Perancangan Motif Geometris Pada Busana Ready To Wear Yang Terinspirasi Dari Trend Forecast 2017/2018 Digitarian


  • Catya Afina Budiaran Telkom University
  • Widia Nur Utami Bastaman Telkom University


ABSTRACT The development of fashion in Indonesia in the last two decades has shown such rapid growth. Based on information from Bekraf, the trend of fashion products has a great theme known as Greyzone (Bekraf, 2017). In this study, the authors focus on the design of fashion products ready to wear based on sub-theme Digitarian. The characters possessed in the Digitarian theme are forms and details that no longer follow the old rule patterns such as symmetrical pattern form, prefer the silhouette shape and highlight the fields and lines. The method used by the author in this final project is literature study, observation, field research, and experimentation. From the methods that have been collected, the authors find the shortcomings and the need for a new renewal in ready to wear clothing that uses motive techniques inspired from the trend forecast 2017/2018 Digiarian. The author sees the potential to develop geometric pattern into ready to wear. Geometric pattern are often used in fashion industry for many years because it has a high demand. The concept of ready to wear clothing in this study is characterized by fashion designs of type dominated by bright colors with geometric pattern and utilize digital printing techniques. With this provide an alternative and provide insight Digitarian themed clothing to young people in Indonesia, and to respond to the needs of young people to appear fashionable. Keywords: geometric pattern, ready to wear, digitarian, digital printing, trend forecast






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode