Perancangan Produk Busana Ready-to-wear Dengan Menggunakan Kain Tenun Gedog Tuban Dan Kintsugi Sebagai Inspirasi


  • Hafidha Nuraziza Telkom University
  • Fajar Ciptandi Telkom University


ABSTRACT Kintsugi is one of the Japanese technique which has been influenced by Zen Buddhism. Kintsugi is originated from Japanese word; 'Kin' means golden and 'Tsugi' means joinery, or known as Kintsukuroi (golden repair). This is a method to mend a broken ceramics or glassware with special varnished by adding some golden coloring to enhance the breaks or defect of its ceramics. The concept and characteristic of Kintsugi are basically similar with Tenun (woven) fabric from Tuban, Tenun Gedog. One of the characteristics is seen on the design of Tenun Gedog, which comes from natural and simple ingredients and has an imperfect texture. In addition, other similarities that also intersect with the teachings of the Kintsugi concept exist during the process of making Tenun Gedog in which each process has its own meaning and beauty for the people of Tuban. This study aims to create a visual look from Kintsugi that resembles a crack form, a touch of gold, a sense of natural, simplicity and imperfection from the texture of Tenun Gedog Tuban. This research method is qualitative where researcher conducts literature studies, observation, interviews and exploration. The exploration process contains of several stages, which are doing exploration in the surface and texture by using a dye that has previously been determined by the formula and the technique of removing fibers at the end of the Tenun Gedog Tuban. The results of this study are embodied in the ready-to-wear fashion collection for adult women with a theme related to Kintsugi which is a process in life. It is hoped that this research can be a reference for the world of Textile and Fashion Crafts and also designers in creating local culture Keywords: Kintsugi, Kain Tenun Gedog Tuban, ready-to-wear.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode