Perancangan Produk Fesyen Dengan Inspirasi Hewan Dasar Laut Vampire Squid Menggunakan Teknik Rekalatar


  • Khansa Khairunnisa Telkom University
  • Widia Nur Utami Bastaman Telkom University


ABSTRACT The 2/3 of the total area of Indonesia is oceans. Based on these conditions, are not suprisingly if Indonesia have one of the largest biodiversity in the world. The beauty that owned by Indonesia is usually used as an inspiration to work in various fields. Many fashion designers have made Indonesia's natural condition as its inspiration in designing their collections. Due to that phenomenon, the author wants to make “ready to wear designer†products inspired by seabed animal that live in depths of 1,000 - 4,000 meters below sea level called as the Bathyal Zone. This zone different ecosystem than other sea level zones and dominated by unique animals. The animals have specific characteristics, their body have a tint that can glow in the dark and have transparent bodies, also have different shapes, colors and textures. Vampire Squid is one of the animal who live in the Bathyal Zone. The depth of the sea has not been widely exposed and known, so the authors make it as an inspiration that is poured into the work of fashion products by using surface techniques. Keywords: ready to wear, surface textile design, vampire squid.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode