Perancangan Drinking Fountain Dalam Perspektif Pengguna


  • Aufaa Fahmi Zuhri Telkom University
  • Edwin Buyung Syarif Telkom University
  • Asep Sufyan Muhakik Atamtazani Telkom University


Abstrak Dengan melihat saran umum di kota – kota besar yang dibangun dan disediakan untuk masyarakat, dimana produk yang disediakan masih belum tepat sasaran, target pengguna yang diarahkan menggunakan produk fasilitas ini justri tidak sesuai dengan kenyataannya, banyaknya dari produk fasilitas umum terbengkalai dan rusak karena kesalah psikologis ataupun karateristik pengguna.Lapangan Gasibu merupakan salah satu sarana umum yang berada di Kota Bandung dimana pada kota ini karaterisitk masyarakatnya berpola piker terbuka dan dapat menerima kemajuan tekonologi dan perubahan gaya hidup.Dengan melihat fungsi utama fasilitas Lapangna Gasibu dimana tempat ini dugunakan untuk berolahraga maka menimbulkan sebuah permasalahan dimana ketika sehabis berolahraga tubuh manusia memerlukan asupan air minu lalu solusi dari maslaah terseubt adalah perancangan drinking fountain. Perancangan produk ini akan disesuaikan dengan pengguna, dimana hal tersebut bertujuan agar produk sesuai dengan karateristik dan itneraksi antara pengguna dan produk agar perubahan psikologi yang muncul saat produk ini diterapkan dapat diterima dengan baik oleh masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Fasilitas publik, drinking fountain, Lapangan Gasibu, filtrasi air bersih. Abstract By looking at the general facilities in big cities that are built and provided to the public, where these products that are well provided still could be say that they are not well targeted. The target users who are directed to use the product of these facilites is not in accordance with the fact, the number of public facilities products are degraded and damaged by psycholgis error or characteristics of users of the product itself, where users do not or have not understood well the function of the product that is provided. Gasibu Field is one of a public facility in Bandung, where the nature and characteristic of its people is more to the urban community where their mindset is open and can well receive technological advances and lifestyle changes. By looking at the main function of gasibu park’s facility which is used moreoften used for exercising, of course the user from the gasibu park itself will be close to the physical activities that in turn can make the body must intake water. Seeing the problem that exist then one of the solutions of it is the making a design of a public drinking water facilities, or often called drinking fountain. The design of this drinking fountain product will be adjusted to the user of the product, which is the society of Bandung City this aims to make the product suitable to the characteristics and interaction between the users and the product, so that the psychological changes that arise when Keyword: Public facilities, drinking fountain, Gasibu Park, users, clean water filtration.






Program Studi S1 Desain Produk