Perancangan Interior Pesantren Modern Al-ihsan Di Bandung Barat : Interior Planning Al-ihsan Islamic Modern Boarding School In West Bandung


  • Anggi Siti Masitho Telkom University
  • Rangga Firmansyah Telkom University


Abstrak Boarding school merupakan sekolah dengan sistem asrama, seiring berjalannya waktu semakin banyak yayasan yang mendirikan Boarding School sehingga Boarding school sendiri tidak lagi asing didengar, dan semakin berjalanya waktu Boarding School sendiri menjadi tren sekolah yang dituju oleh para orangtua juga para murid, dikarenakan sistem yang ditawarkan mampu menjaga juga membina siswa secara full day. Dalam proyek tugas akhir ini perancangan yang diambil merupakan Boarding School yang berbasis Islami yaitu Pesantren Modern Al-Ihsan di Bandung. Penulis membatasi proyek perancangan Boarding School ini dengan hanya mengambil beberapa gedung diantarnya gedung sekolah, gedung utama fasilitas kantor, perpustakaan dan asrama. Tujuan dari perancangan proyek tugas akhir ini adalah untuk menjawab permasalahan dan melengkapi fasilitas yang terdapat di pesantren Modern Al-Ihsan sebelumnya, diantaranya standar ergonomi, pensuasanaan yang islami, juga konfigurasi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Dalam menjawab permasalahan tersebut maka tema yang dipakai yaitu “independent and modern Islamic school†dengan konsep “Tropis Kontemporer design†semuanya ditinjau dari beberapa aspek. Berdasarkan aspek lokasi, aspek Instansi, aspek Islami. Penerapan tema dan konsep salah satunya dari segi material lokal yang mudah didapat, pemanfaatan vegetasi lokasi yang mampu berkonfigurasi dengan interior, juga pensuasanaan secara Islami yang di ambil dari nilai-nilai Islami itu sendiri Hasil perancangan dengan tema dan konsep ini diharapkan dapat menjawab permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada pada Pesantren Modern Al-Ihsan. Kata Kunci: Boarding School, Islami, Interior, Bandung Abstract Boarding school is a school with a dormitory system, as time goes by more and more foundations are establishing Boarding Schools so that the Boarding School itself is no longer foreign to be heard, and the Boarding School's own time becomes a school trend aimed by parents and students, because the system is offered able to also maintain full day students. In this final project the design taken is an Islamic-based Boarding School namely Al-Ihsan Modern Islamic Boarding School in Bandung. The author limits the design of this Boarding School project by only taking a number of buildings, including the school building, the main building of office facilities, a library and a dormitory. The purpose of the design of this final project project is to answer the problems and complete the facilities contained in the Al-Ihsan Modern pesantren before, including ergonomic standards, Islamic understanding, as well as configuration with the surrounding environment. In answering these problems, the theme used is "independent and modern Islamic school" with the concept of "Tropical Contemporary design" all in terms of several aspects. Based on location aspects, Institutional aspects, Islamic aspects. The application of themes and concepts is one of them in terms of easy-to-obtain local material, utilization of location vegetation that is able to configure the interior, as well as Islamic identification which is taken from Islamic values themselves. The results ISSN : 2355-9349 e-Proceeding of Art & Design : Vol.6, No.1 April 2019 | Page 395 of the design with this theme and concept are expected to be able to answer the problems that exist in Al-Ihsan Modern Islamic Boarding School. Keywords: Boarding School, Islamic, Interior, Bandung






Program Studi S1 Desain Interior