Perancangan Promosi Vegeblend 21 Junior


  • Dini Nurul Wafda Telkom University
  • Sonson Nurusholih Telkom University
  • Yelly Andriani Barlian Telkom University


Vegeblend 21 Junior merupakan suplemen penambah nafsu makan dan
membantu mencukupi nutrisi sayur pada anak. Vegeblend 21 Junior mengandung
21 jenis sayuran serta serat dan mineral. Identifikasi masalah yang muncul dalam
penelitian ini adalah menurunnya penjualan produk Vegeblend 21 Junior, serta
kurangnya upaya inovasi kreatif produk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengidentifikasi masalah Vegeblend 21 Junior dalam hal promosi. Landasan teori
dalam penelitian ini adalah teori promosi, pemasaran, media, Desain Komunikasi
Visual, dan teori perkembangan anak. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif.
Mulai dari studi pustaka, dengan buku metode penelitian Sugiyono serta buku
pendukung lainnya, kemudian observasi dengan mengamati media promosi yang
telah digunakan Vegeblend 21 Junior dan mengunjungi apotek pertama, watsons,
dan PT.Pharos. Lalu metode wawancara dengan mewawancarai pegawai watsons,
apoteker di apotek pertama, dan Brand Manager Vegeblend 21 Junior di PT. Pharos.
Selanjutnya adalah kuesioner yaitu membagikan sejumlah pertanyaan kepada target
audiens melalui sosial media. Dari analisis data tersebut didapat bahwa brand
aktivasi berupa roadshow merupakan strategi yang sesuai target audiens untuk
melakukan promosi produk Vegeblend 21 Junior.

Kata kunci : Vegeblend 21 Junior, Promosi, Brand Aktivasi, Roadshow

Vegeblend 21 Junior is an appetite enhancing supplement and helps to
provide adequate vegetable nutrition in children. Vegeblend 21 Junior contains 21
types of vegetables and fiber and minerals. The identification of the problems that
emerged in this study was the decline in sales of 21 Junior Vegeblend products, as
well as the lack of creative product innovation efforts. This study aims to identify
21 Junior Vegeblend problems in terms of promotion. The theoretical foundation
in this study is the theory of promotion, marketing, media, Visual Communication
Design, and the theory of child development. The author uses qualitative methods.
Starting from the literature study, with Sugiyono's research method book and other
supporting books, then observing by observing the promotional media that had
been used by Vegeblend 21 Junior and visiting the first pharmacy, watsons, and
PT. Pharos. Then the interview method by interviewing watsons, pharmacists at the
first pharmacy, and 21 Junior Vegeblend Brand Manager at PT. Pharos. Next is a
questionnaire that is sharing a number of questions to the target audience through
social media. From the data analysis, it was found that brand activation in the form
of roadshow was a strategy that suited the target audience to promote 21 Junior
Vegeblend products.

Keywords: 21 Junior Vegeblend, Promotion, Brand Activation, Roadshow







Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual