Applying Strategic Design To Build Brand Value And Corporate Innovation


  • Bijaksana Prabawa Telkom University
  • Wirania Swasty Telkom University


Implementation of design strategy at a business organization can provide a competitive advantage and value addition. Although currently still a lot of understanding in the society that the science of management and design as something can not be integrated. This research will discuss how design strategy is used as a holistic planning process to guide the design of enterprise development through the strengthening of the image and product innovation. This study was conducted by a variety of methods of data collection and analysis as input for the preparation of the strategy design process. Data collected through interviews and observations of the research object that is a One Java Seni. The analysis was performed through the use of management tools: PEST Analysis, Porter's Five Forces, SWOT, competitive analysis, and a Porter Generic Strategies. Results of the analysis will be the input for the selection of design strategies. The results of the study are expected to be obtained conclusion extent to which the design can play a role in achieving business goals. Authors hope this research can be a consideration in decision making related to the field of design, so that the resulting design output assessed not merely aesthetically, but also can be seen as a strategic step in achieving business goals.

Keywords: Design, Design Strategy, Brand Value, Innovation


