Pengendalian Jadwal Proyek Dengan Metode Project Schedule Compression Dan Alternative Analysis Method Pada Proyek Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Shutdown Sto Sumedang


  • Muhammad Kadef Telkom University
  • Ika Arum Telkom University
  • Putu Yasa Telkom University


Abstrak PT.XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa layanan telekomunikasi dan jaringan di wilayah Indonesia. Proyek PT.XYZ adalah FTTH yang berlokasi di STO Sumedang yang ditargetan untuk mulai pada tanggal 6 Mei - 28 Juli 2019 dan memiliki total waktu pekerjaan 43 hari. Diketahui progres yang sudah diselesaikan berbeda dengan target rencana proyek. Terjadinya perbedaan progress disebabkan kurang baiknya fase monitoring dan controlling selama proyek berlangsung, hal ini tercantum pada Kurvas planning dan Kurva-s actual. Dikarenakan perbedaan actual dan planning proyek STO Sumedang teridenifikasi keterlambatan maka dilakukan performasi proyek dengan menggunakan pendekatan Earn Value Management (EVM). Melalui pendekatan Earn Value, proyek dilakukan earned value analysis, variance analysis, performance index analysis. Hasil perhitungan EVM maka akan diketahui performasi progres setiap pekerjaan. Kemudian dilakukan CPM atau critical path method untuk mencari jalur kritis dari setiap jaringan pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan percepatan proyek dengan menambah jam kerja menggunakan metode alternative analysis . Metode alternative analysis digunakan sebagai acuan pengambilan keputusan yang tepat dan efektif. Berdasarkan analisis dengan metode What-if dengan jam kerja 8 jam perhari percepatan 10% akan menambah jam kerja sebanyak 53 menit perhari atau 1 jam perhari, percepatan sebanyak 20% menambah jam kerja sebanyak 2 jam perhari, percepatan 30% menambah jam kerja sebanyak 3.43 jam percepatan, percepatan 40% menambah jam kerja sebanyak 5.3 jam percepatan, dan percepatan 50% menambah jam kerja sebanyak 8 jam kerja perhari. Kata kunci: FTTH, EVM, CPM, Alternative Analysis , Kurva-s Abstract PT. XYZ is a company engaged in telecommunications and network services in the territory of Indonesia. Project PT.XYZ is FTTH located in the targeted STO Sumedang to start on 6 May - 28 July 2019 and have a total work time of 43 days. The progress that has been completed is different from the target of the project plan. The difference in progress is due to the poor monitoring and controlling phase during the project, which is stated in the planning curve and the actual curve. Due to the actual differences and planning of the STO project Sumedang was identified, the project performance was carried out using the Earn Value Management (EVM) approach. Through the Earn Value approach, the project is carried out earned value analysis, variance analysis, performance index analysis. The results of EVM calculations will know the progress of each job. Then a CPM or critical path method is performed to find the critical path of each network of work that will accelerate the project by adding hours of work using the alternative analysis method. The alternative analysis method is used as a reference for making appropriate and effective decisions. Based on the analysis by the alternative analysis method with 8 hours of work per day acceleration of 10% will increase work hours by 53 minutes per day or 1 hour per day, an acceleration of 20% increases working hours by 2 hours per day, an acceleration of 30% increases working hours by 3.43 hours acceleration, 40% acceleration increases working hours by 5.3 hours acceleration, and a 50% acceleration increases working hours by 8 working hours per day. Keyword: FTTH, EVM, CPM, What-If, Kurva-s






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri