Desain Jaringan Komunikasi Lte Untuk Penumpang Kereta Cepat 140 Km/jam Jakarta-surabaya Jalur Cirebon – Pekalongan
Abstrak Menurut Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) penggunaan kereta untuk perjalanan jauh menjadi pilihan utama untuk masyarakat karena biaya yang murah dan tepat waktu. Indonesia akan membangun sarana transportasi kereta cepat pada rute Jakarta – Surabaya dengan kecepatan 140 km/jam pada frekuensi 900 MHz. Namun, sisi negatif ketika berada di dalam kereta cepat, delay yang tinggi menyebabkan packet loss yang sangat besar. Demi menunjang kenyamanan penumpang selama melakukan komunikasi dalam perjalanan dilakukan penelitian agar terpenuhinya Quality of Service (QoS) pada kereta cepat dengan delay maksimal ≤ 40 ms. Metode yang digunakan yaitu coverage dan capacity planning menggunakan network dimensioning dan perhitungan jarak maksimum coverage untuk mengakumulasi jumlah site serta kapasitas tiap site yang diperlukan dan melakukan simulasi. Untuk perhitungan delay total menggunakan simulator delay. Simulasi jaringan microcell LTE dengan memperhitungkan letak eNodeB existing dan RRU extend yang dikhususkan untuk jalur kereta cepat dengan memperhatikan delay, throughput, SINR, RSRP dan overlapping Berdasarkan simulasi dan perhitungan diperoleh delay total sistem yaitu sebesar 38,6287 ms dan delay handover 20 ms. Nilai overlapping 1483 m dengan persentase coverage total area yang didapat yaitu 37,07%. Perancangan dengan adanya eNodeB existing menghasilkan RSRP -62,88 dBm, nilai SINR 8,96 dan jumlah site 37. Perancangan yang tidak memakai eNodeB existing memiliki hasil RSRP -64,81 dBm, SINR sebesar 8,74 dB dan jumlah site 38. Perancangan ini dikatakan layak karena memenuhi persyaratan LTE kereta cepat dimana delay total ≤ 40 ms dan kualitas jaringan memenuhi standar KPI Telkomsel. Kata Kunci: Delay, Handover, Overlapping, LTE, Kereta Cepat Abstract As stated by Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), long distance travel by train become a first choice for the community because of the safety, low cost and right on time schedule. Indonesia will build high speed train facilities on the Jakarta - Surabaya route with speed 140 km/h at 900 MHz frequency. However, there is a disadvantage when on a high speed train, high latency lead to huge packet loss. In order to provide comfort for passenger during communication, thus a research is conducted on high speed train with maximum allowed delay ≤ 40 ms. Method that used during the research included the design of coverage areas and capacity planning using network dimensioning, which is a method for accumulating the number of sites and the capacity of each site needed. Performing simulation and calculating the total delay using a delay simulator. Simulation network of the LTE communication by taking coordinate existing eNodeB and RRU extend which are specifically for high speed train without neglecting to delay, throughput, SINR, RSRP and overlapping. Based on the simulation and calculation, the total system delay is 38.6287 ms and the handover delay is 20 ms. The value of overlapping is 1483 m with the percentage of total coverage area obtained is 37.07%. Network design that used existing RRU produced RSRP -62.88 dBm, SINR 8.96 and amount of sites are 37. Design that did not use the existing RRU has result RSRP -63.43 dBm, SINR values of 8.74 dB and make 38 sites. This design is feasible, because it meets the requirements of LTE high speed train where total delay ≤ 40 ms and network quality meet requirements Telkomsel KPI Keywords: Delay, Handover, Overlapping, LTE, High Speed TrainDownloads
Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi