Usulan Penerapan Total Productive Maintenance (tpm) Untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Mesin Single Needle, Single Needle, Chain Stitch, Dan Zig Zag Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Dan Overall Equipment Cost Loss (OECL) Di Pt. XYZ


  • Fakhrul Razi Frima Telkom University
  • Endang Budiasih Telkom University
  • Judi Alhilman Telkom University


Abstrak PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan industri manufaktur yang bergerak dibidang garment atau pakaian. Diantara mesin yang dipakai dalam satu line produksi, diantaranya menggunakan mesin single needle, single needle chain stitch, dan zig zag. Mesin tersebut merupakan mesin yang memiliki jumlah kerusakan paling tinggi pada Januari 2017 hingga Desember 2018. Kerusakan tersebut bisa menyebabkan rendahnya tingkat efektivitas mesin, maka diperlukan analisis untuk mengetahui penyebabnya menggunakan metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) dan Overall Equipment Cost Loss (OECL). Berdasarkan perhitungan OEE tersebut dari bulan Januari 2017 hingga Desember 2018, didapatkan nilai OEE untuk mesin single needle sebesar 30,84%, untuk mesin single needle chain stitch sebesar 30,90%, dan untuk mesin zig zag sebesar 20,94%. Nilai tersebut belum mencapai Standar World Class yang telah ditetapkan sebesar 85%. Dan faktor Six Big Losses ketiga mesin tersebut yang menjadi penyebab rendahnya efektivitas mesin tersebut adalah faktor reduced speed loss dengan nilai untuk mesin single needle 78,45%, mesin single needle chain stitch 78,76%, dan untuk mesin zig zag 78,39%. Setelah itu dianalisis menggunakan metode Overall Equipment Cost Loss disetiap mesin tersebut, untuk nilai OECL pada mesin single needle sebesar Rp. 20.534.195.320, untuk mesin single needle chain stitch sebesar Rp. 20.419.669.919, dan pada mesin zig zag memiliki nilai Rp. 19.228.397.497. Kata kunci : Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Overall Equipment Cost Loss (OECL), Downtime, Efektivitas. Abstract PT. XYZ is a manufacturing industry company engaged in garment or clothing. Among the machines used in one production line, including using single needle machines, single needle chain stitch, and zig zag. The machine is the machine that has the highest amount of damage in January 2017 to December 2018. The damage can cause low levels of engine effectiveness, so analysis is needed to find out the cause using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Overall Equipment Cost Loss (OECL) methods. Based on the OEE calculation from January 2017 to December 2018, the OEE value for single needle machines is 30.84%, for single needle chain stitch machines is 30.90%, and for zig zag machines is 20.94%. This value has not reached the World Class Standard which has been set at 85%. And the factors of the Six Big Losses of the three machines that are the cause of the low effectiveness of the machine are the reduced speed loss factor with the value of single needle machine 78.45%, single needle chain stitch machine 78.76%, and for the zig zag machine 78.39% . After that, it was analyzed using the Overall Equipment Cost Loss method in each machine, for the OECL value on the single needle machine Rp. 20,534,195,320, for a single needle chain stitch machine of Rp. 20,419,669,919, and the zig zag machine has a value of Rp. 19,228,397,497. Keywords: Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Overall Equipment Cost Loss (OECL), Downtime, Effectivity.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri