Implementasi High-availability Web Server Menggunakan Load Balancing As A Service Pada Openstack Cloud


  • Ivan Hidayah Telkom University
  • Rendy Munadi Telkom University
  • Indrarini Dyah Irawati Telkom University


Abstrak Penerapan load balancing saat ini dirasa kurang efektif dalam penerapa cloud computing karena penyedia layanan harus menyediakan server khusus untuk penerapan load balancing tersebut. Penerapan load balancer di dalam cloud dapat menjadi lebih efektif adalah dengan menerapkan layanan load balancer di dalam cloud yaitu LBaaS. Layanan load balancer di dalam OpenStack ini dapat menyediakan algoritma load balancing round robin, least connection, dan source ip secara efektif di dalam cloud. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan implementasi high-availability web server dengan menggunakan layanan load balancer as a service pada OpenStack. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa kinerja server yang menggunakan load balancing lebih baik dibandingkan dengan single server. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan nilai throughput sebesar 65,61%, penurunan nilai elapsed time sebesar 46.93%, penurunan nilai response time sebesar 46.87%, peningkatan nilai transaction rate sebesar 66,97%, dan penurunan nilai cpu utilization sebesar 58.74%. Dari parameter fairness, algoritma round robin lebih fair dengan nilai fairness index mencapai 1 jika dibandingkan dengan algoritma least connection. Kata Kunci: cloud computing, openstack, load balancer, lbaas, web server Abstract The implementation of load balancing is currently considered less effective in the implementation of cloud computing because service providers must provide a server for the implementation of load balancing. The application of load balancers in the cloud can be more effective is to implement load balancer services in the cloud. The service is contained in OpenStack called Load Balancing as a Service (LBaaS). This load balancer service in OpenStack can provide round robin load balancing algorithms, least connections, and source ip effectively in the cloud In this research, a high-availability web server has been implemented using load balancer as a service on OpenStack. From the results of research it is known that the performance of servers that use load balancing is better than that of a single server. Proven with increase throughput of 65,61%, decrease elapsed time of 46,93%, decrease response time of 46,87%, increase transaction rate of 66,97%, and decrease cpu utilization of 58,74%. But from the fairness parameter, the round robin algorithm is more fair with a fairness index value of 1 when compared to the least connection algorithm. Keywords: cloud computing, openstack, load balancer, lbaas, web serve






Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi