Usulan Interval Inspeksi, Estimasi Umur Sisa, Dan Penentuan Kebijakan Maintenance Pada Storage Tank T-10 Di Menggunakan Metode Risk Based Inspection (rbi)


  • Achmad Nur Fauzi Telkomuniversity
  • Endang Budiasih Telkomuniversity
  • Fransiskus Tatas Dwi Atmaji Telkomuniversity


Abstrak PT. XYZ adalah perusahaan yang menyelenggarakan usaha di sektor migas. Sektor usaha yang dijalankan yaitu hulu dan hilir. Storage tank merupakan tempat yang digunakan untuk menyimpan produk minyak sebelum didistribusikan kepada konsumen. Di dalam suatu refinery storage tank memiliki desain yang beraneka ragam berdasarkan fungsinya atau jenis fluida yang ditampungnya. Pada sistem tangki timbun, terdapat 13 subsistem yaitu: pipe, pressure relief valve, pressure vacuum valve, foam chamber, manhole, slot dipping device, automatic gauge tank, flexible pipe, splash plate, roof handrailing, grounding cable, product drain, dan storage tank. Risk Based Inspection (RBI) adalah pendekatan berbasis risiko untuk memprioritaskan dan merencanakan inspeksi, terutama industri minyak dan gas. Metode RBI yang digunakan adalah metode RBI Semi Kuantitatif yaitu metode yang menggabungkan antara metode RBI Kualitatif dan RBI Kuantitatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui interval inspeksi, estimasi umur sisa, dan penentuan kebijakan maintenance yang sesuai pada storage tank. Dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dapat diketahui kebijakan maintenance yang sesuai pada storage tank. Dalam menentukan kebijakan maintenance yang sesuai terdapat kriteria dan alternatif. Kriterianya adalah safety, cost, added value, dan feasibility. Sedangkan alternatifnya adalah preventive maintenance, condition based maintenance, corrective maintenance, dan reliable centered maintenance. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui umur sisa pada storage tank adalah 40 tahun, usulan interval inspeksinya adalah 2 tahun, dan kebijakan maintenance yang sesuai adalah Reliable Centered Maintenance (RCM).

Kata Kunci – Risk Based Inspection, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Maintenance Strategy, Risk Matrix, Storage Tank, Remaining Life. Abstract PT. XYZ is a company that conducts business in the oil and gas sector. The business sectors that are run are upstream and downstream. Storage tanks are places used to store oil products before they are distributed to consumers. Inside a refinery storage tank has a diverse design based on its function or the type of fluid it holds. In the storage tank system, there are 13 subsystems: pipe, pressure relief valve, pressure vacuum valve, foam chamber, manhole, slot dipping device, automatic gauge tank, flexible pipe, splash plate, roof handrailing, grounding cable, product drainage, and storage tank. Risk Based Inspection (RBI) is a risk-based approach to prioritizing and planning inspections, especially the oil and gas industry. The RBI method used is the SemiQuantitative RBI method, which is a method that combines the Qualitative RBI and Quantitative RBI methods. The purpose of this study is to determine the inspection interval, estimated lifetime, and determine the appropriate maintenance policy on the storage tank. By using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method it can be seen that maintenance policies are appropriate for the storage tank. In determining the appropriate maintenance policy there are criteria and alternatives. The criteria are safety, cost, added value, and feasibility. While the alternatives are preventive maintenance, condition based maintenance, corrective maintenance, and reliable centered maintenance. From the research results it can be seen that the remaining age of the storage tank is 40 years, the proposed inspection interval is 2 years, and the appropriate maintenance policy is Reliable Centered Maintenance (RCM).

Keywords – Risk Based Inspection, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Maintenance Strategy, Risk Matrix, Storage Tank, Remaining Life.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri