Perancangan Atribut Kebutuhan Program Good To Great Pada Radio K-lite Bandung Dengan Menggunakan Integrasi Service Quality Dan Model Kano
Abstrak Radio K-Lite merupakan penyiaran radio swasta di Kota Bandung. Salah satu program yang dijalankan Radio K-Lite yaitu program Good to Great. Good to Great menyajikan program berupa variety show. Program Good to Great disiarkan setiap hari Senin - Jumat pada pukul 06.00 WIB – 09.00 WIB. Program Good to Great memiliki konten program yang terdiri dari talk, musik, iklan, news, dan in spite of. Selama tiga tahun terakhir dari tahun 2016 hingga tahun 2019, Radio K-Lite mengalami penurunan pendapatan. Salah satu faktor penyebab hal tersebut yaitu program yang kurang diminati sehingga menurunkan jumlah pemasang iklan on air yang dibuktikan dengan menurunnya pendapatan iklan on air. Berdasarkan wawancara mendalam kepada pendengar diketahui bahwa Good to Great belum sesuai dengan harapan pendengar dan masih memiliki kekurangan. Dengan belum sesuainya kebutuhan pendengar terhadap Good to Great, maka hal tersebut menjadi dasar bagi Radio K-Lite untuk memahami kebutuhan pendengar. Identifikasi atribut kebutuhan yang terkait program Good to Great dapat menggunakan integrasi service quality dan model kano. Adapun dimensi service quality yaitu, content program, interaction quality, uniqueness, technical quality, dan access. Dari dimensi tersebut menunjukkan dari 14 atribut kebutuhan terdapat 8 atribut sebagai true customer needs yang harus ditingkatkan. True customer needs program Good to Great yaitu memutarkan lagu baru atau lagu lama dari dalam dan luar negeri yang disukai pendengar, menyediakan berita terkini seputar kejadian lokal, nasional dan internasional dari sumber yang terpercaya, penyiar memiliki gaya siaran yang menarik, menyediakan program khusus berupa ruang diskusi mengenai isu terkini dengan narasumber yang terpercaya, menyediakan informasi mengenai isu-isu ekonomi, politik, sosial, dan budaya (lokal, nasional, atau internasional), jangkauan frekuensi radio luas, fasilitas streaming radio stabil, tersedia berbagai macam social media yang mudah diakses oleh pendengar radio (Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, dan Twitter). Rekomendasi atribut kebutuhan berdasarkan integrasi service quality dan model kano.
Kata kunci : Good to Great, Variety Show, Service Quality, Model Kano, True Customer Needs Abstract Radio K-Lite is private radio broadcasting at Bandung City. One of the programs run by K-Lite Radio is Good to Great’s program. Good to Great program’s presents variety shows events. This program is broadcast every Monday to Friday at 06.00 AM to 09.00 AM. The Good to Great program’s has some content consisting of discussion, music, advertisements, news, and inspired people of the day. During the last three years from 2016 to 2019, Radio K-Lite experienced a decline in revenue. During the last three years from 2016 to 2019, Radio K-Lite has decreased revenue. One of the factors causing this is the program that is less desirable so as to reduce the number of advertisers on air as evidenced by the decline in advertising revenue on air. Based on in-depth interviews with listeners it is known that Good to Great is not in accordance with the expectations of the listener and still has shortcomings. The purpose of this research is to explore the needs of listeners that have an impact on listener satisfaction. With the listener's needs not being matched Good to Great, then it becomes the basis for K-Lite Radio to understand the listener's needs. Identify the needs attributes associated with the Good to Great program can use service quality integration and kano models. For the service quality dimensions including program content, interaction quality, uniqueness, technical quality, and access. From these dimensions shows that of the 14 attributes of need that has 8 attributes as true customer needs that must be improved. True to customer needs Good to Great program that is playing new songs or old songs from within and outside the country that is loved by listeners, providing the latest news about local, national and international events from trusted sources, broadcasters have a broadcast style that is interesting, provides a special program in the form of discussion space on current issues with trusted sources, provides information on economic, political, social and cultural issues (local, national, or international), frequency range broad radio, stable radio streaming facilities, there are various kinds of social media that are easily accessed by radio listeners (Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter). Attribute recommendations of need based on integration of service quality and kano models.
Keywords: Good to Great, Variety Show, Service Quality, Kano Models, True Customer Needs