Perancangan Aplikasi Beneyeglasses Berbasis Website Dengan Metode Extreme Programming Guna Keperluan Bisnis Kacamata
Abstrak Beneyeglasses merupakan bisnis yang bergerak dibidang optik. Beneyeglasses resmi dibuat dan menjalankan bisnisnya pada 20 Februari 2018 dan bagian dari CV. Tritama. Beneyeglasses merupakan bisnis yang menyediakan frame, lensa, pemeriksaan mata gratis, juga menyediakan bakti sosial di tempat melalui karyawan Beneyeglasses ataupun marketer external Beneyeglasses. Beneyeglasses berlokasi di Griya Serpong Asri B6/6, Cisauk, Kab.Tangerang. Beneyeglasses memiliki beberapa bagian dalam menjalankan bisnisnya, yaitu bagian pemeriksaan mata (baksos) dan penjualan kacamata, serta admin Beneyeglasses. Tugasnya adalah melakukan pemeriksaan mata langsung ke lokasi customer, selanjutnya customer bisa melakukan pembelian kacamata langsung di tempat, serta melakukan penerimaan pendaftaran bakti sosial di Banten. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya terdapat beberapa kendala, pertama, sesudah customer melakukan pemeriksaan mata customer tidak bisa melakukan pembelian kacamata, customer menginginkan pembelian dilain hari dengan pembelian online. Ataupun customer yang melakukan pendaftaran bakti sosial akan mengalami bentrok dengan jadwal lainnya di tempat berbeda. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, maka dari itu dibuat suatu website untuk mengelola penjualan serta booking jadwal baksos secara online dengan website. Sistem ini akan terintegrasi dengan sistem admin, dimana data yang sudah diinputkan dijadwal baksos akan tersimpan sesuai waktu, tanggal yang dipilih, dan jadwal bakti sosial bisa dilihat oleh seluruh customer yang mengunjungi website. Website juga menyediakan transaksi penjualan langsung di website, dengan model frame dan lensa yang sama di offline, bakti sosial. Sehingga customer yang sudah melakukan pemeriksaan mata mempunyai resep dan frame yang sudah dilihat dan dicoba, akan bisa langsung mengetahui merek framenya di website. Sistem website ini dibangun menggunakan metode Extreme Programming (XP) yang merupakan metode atau “technical how to†bagaimana suatu tim teknis mengembangkan perangkat lunak secara efisien melalui berbagai prinsip dan teknik praktis pengembangan perangkat lunak. XP menjadi dasar bagaimana tim bekerja sehari-hari. Serta menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan database MySQL. Hasil penelitian berupa website yang dapat dijadikan sebagai solusi terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Beneyeglasses dan semua orang sehingga dalam kegiatan penjualan dan kegiatan baksos akan menjadi lancar. Dalam hasil black box testing dan integration testing kepada user dan admin bahwa mereka menerima pengujian fitur-fitur website berjalan dengan normal dan cepat, dan perhitungan usability testing mendapatkan hasil pengukuran kualitas sebesar 91.34% dengan predikat sangat baik, yang sangat diterima oleh user. Kata kunci: Penjualan, Bakti Sosial, Extreme Programming, Beneyeglasses. Abstract Beneyeglasses is a business engaged in optics. Beneyeglasses was officially created and ran its business on February 20, 2018 and was part of CV.Tritama. Beneyeglasses is a business that provides frames, lenses, free eye examinations, also provides on-site social services through Beneyeglasses employees or Beneyeglasses external marketers. Beneyeglasses location in Griya Serpong Asri B6 / 6, Cisauk, Kab. Tangerang. Beneyeglasses has several parts in running its business, namely the eye examination (social service) and the sale of glasses, and the admin Beneyeglasses. His job is to conduct an eye examination directly to the location of the customer, then the customer can buy glasses directly on the spot, as well as accepting social service registration in Banten. In carrying out their duties there are several obstacles, first, after the customer has examined the eye of the customer can not buy glasses, the customer wants to buy another day with online purchases. Or customers who register for social services will experience clashes with other schedules in different places. Based on the above problems, therefore a website is created to manage sales and book online social service schedules with the website. This system will be integrated with the admin system, where the data that has been entered in the scheduled social service will be stored according to the time, date chosen, and the schedule of social services can be seen by all customers who visit the website. The website also provides direct sales transactions on the website, with the same frame and lens model in offline, social services. So that customers who have done an eye check have a recipe and frame that has been seen and tested, will be able to immediately know the frame brand on the website. This website system was built using the Extreme Programming (XP) method which is a method or "technical how to" how a technical team develops software efficiently through various practical software development principles and techniques. XP is the basis for how the team works every day. And using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. The results of the research in the form of a website that can be used as a solution to the problems faced by Beneyeglasses and everyone so that the sales and social service activities will be smooth. In the results of black box testing and integration testing to the user, the admin that they accept testing of website features runs normally and quickly, and the usability testing calculation gets a quality measurement result of 91.34% with a very good predicate, which is very accepted by the user. Keyword : Sales, Social Service, Extreme Programming, Beneyeglasses.Downloads
Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi