Perancangan Kebutuhan Layanan E-commerce Magma Apparel Dengan Menggunakan Refined Kano Dan Metode E-servqual


  • Rizky Dinar Kusumadewi Telkomuniversity
  • Sari Wulandari Telkomuniversity
  • Rio Aurachman Telkomuniversity


Abstrak Magma Apparel merupakan salah satu e-commerce yang berada di kota Bandung dan bergerak pada bidang fashion dan memproduksi barang-barang seperti tas, ikat pinggang, jaket, sandal, sweater, dompet, topi, kemeja polo atau poloshirt, kemeja dan aksesoris. Magma Apparel ini sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2005 tetapi hanya berfokus pada reseller. Pada akhir tahun 2018, Magma Apparel mulai berfokus kepada konsumen dengan mengembangkan layanan e-commerce. Layanan e-commerce ini berfungsi sebagai pusat penjualan pada sistem online. Akan tetapi, masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan pada layanan e-commerce Magma Apparel. Hal tersebut yang menjadi dasar dalam penelitian ini unuk merancang atribut kebutuhan layanan e-commerce Magma Apparel melalui identifikasi atribut berdasarkan dimensi E-Servqual dan Refined Kano. Dimensi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Efficiency, Reliability, Fulfillment, Privacy, Responsiveness, Compensation, dan Web Design. Dari dimensi tersebut diperoleh 23 atribut kebutuhan perancangan layanan e-commerce. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 23 atribut kebutuhan terdapat 15 atribut sebagai True Customer Needs yang harus dikembangkan dan diprioritaskan. Rekomendasi atribut kebutuhan dirumuskan berdasarkan integrasi E-Servqual dan Refined Kano. Kata kunci: E-Commerce, Refined Kano, E-Servqual, True Customer Needs.

Abstract Magma Apparel is one of e-commerce based in Bandung that focuses in fashion industry and producing goods such as bags, belts, jackets, sandals, sweaters, wallets, hats, polo or plain shirts, shirts and accessories. Magma Apparel has been established since 2005 but only focuses on resellers. At the end of 2018, Magma Apparel began focusing on consumers by developing e-commerce services. This e-commerce service functions as a sales center for the online system. However, there are still some deficiencies in Magma Apparel e-commerce service. This is the basis in this research to design attributes of Magma Apparel e-commerce service needs through identification of attributes based on the dimensions of E-Servqual and Refined Kano. The dimensions used in this research are Efficiency, Reliability, Fulfillment, Privacy, Responsiveness, Compensation, and Web Design. From these dimensions, 23 attributes of ecommerce service design requirements were obtained. The result of the research showed that from 23 attributes there are 15 attributes as True Customer Needs that had to be developed and prioritized. The recommendations for this need attribute were formulated based on the integration of E-Servqual and Refined Kano. Keywords: E-Commerce, Refined Kano, E-Servqual, True Customer Needs.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri