Perancangan Sistem Real Time Monitoring Stock Berbasis Teknologi Rfid (studi Kasus Di Pt Tmmin Plant Sunter 1)
Abstrak Teknologi RFID memungkinkan rantai pasok dapat tersinkronisasi dengan memberikan visibilitas. Penerapan teknologi RFID dapat memberikan informasi persediaan secara real time karena teknologi RFID memungkinkan pelacakan persediaan secara real time. Penggunaan teknologi RFID dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas manajemen pergudangan. Perancangan sistem real time monitoring stock berbasis teknologi RFID ini merupakan langkah kedua yang dilakukan PT TMMIN Plant Sunter 1 untuk perancangan sistem manajemen pergudangan cerdas berbasis RFID (RFID-based intelligent warehouse management system) setelah mengimpelentasikan teknologi RFID pada proses receiving. Sistem real time monitoring stock di perusahaan ini belum diimplementasikan karena masih dalam proses pengerjaan sehingga penulis melakukan analisa terhadap sistem saat ini dengan sistem usulan didukung oleh simulasi untuk mendapatkan waktu setelah sistem RFID dan membandingkannya dengan sistem eksisting yang menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya sistem real time monitoring stock berbasis teknologi RFID dapat meningkatkan efisiensi proses kerja inventory control sebanyak 69%.
Kata Kunci: RFID, Real Time Monitoring Stock, RFID-based Warehouse Management System, Aplikasi Sistem Pengendalian Persediaan
Abstract RFID technology enables supply chains to be synchronized by providing visibility. The application of RFID technology can provide inventory information in real time because RFID technology enables inventory tracking in real time. The use of RFID technology can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of warehousing management. The design of RFID technology-based real time monitoring system is the second step taken by PT TMMIN Plant Sunter 1 for their design of RFID-based intelligent warehousing management systems (RFID-based intelligent warehouse management system) after implementing RFID technology in the receiving process. The system of real time stock monitoring in this company has not been implemented yet because it is still in the process of being worked on so that the authors analyzes the current system with the proposed system supported by simulations to get the time after the RFID system and compares it with the existing system which shows that with the real time stock monitoring system. based on RFID technology, it can increase the efficiency of inventory control work processes by as much as 69%.
ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.7, No.2 Agustus 2020 | Page 6165
Keywords: RFID, Real Time Stock Monitoring, RFID-based Warehouse Management System, Inventory Control System Application