Usulan Perbaikan Proses Bisnis Carrier Enterprise Pre Sales Dengan Metode Business Process Improvement (bpi) Di Pt. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin)


  • Boing Ilham Hanisaputro Telkomuniversity
  • Sri Widaningrum Telkomuniversity
  • Wiyono Sutari Telkomuniversity


PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) merupakan perusahaan yang melayani jaringan internasional. Dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasional, PT. Telin memiliki proses bisnis, salah satunya adalah proses bisnis carrier enterprise pre sales. Tujuan dari proses bisnis tersebut yaitu mengubah peluang menjadi transaksi bisnis yang menguntungkan melalui aktivitas proses yang dikerjakan dalam waktu 25 hari. Akan tetapi, pada aktivitas audit yang dilakukan oleh tim, menunjukan bahwa proses bisnis Carrier Enterprise Pre Sales aktual belum diimplementasikan dengan baik ditandai dengan muncul kesalahan yang seharusnya zero mistake, dilandasi oleh lima kriteria audit kesalahan dan waktu pengerjaan proses bisnis aktual lebih dari waktu seharusnya, yakni 37 hari. Akibatnya proses bisnis tersebut mengalami keterlambatan dan juga beberapa transaksi berpotensi mengalami negative margin. Kendala yang dihadapi perusahaan saat melakukan aktivitas proses bisnis ini menjadi latar belakang untuk melakukan usulan perbaikan dengan business process improvement, mengingat proses bisnis ini merupakan proses bisnis yang sangat penting bagi PT. Telin. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini dijalankan dengan identifikasi gap dan didapatkan dua hasil gap yang kemudian dilakukan perbaikan improvement technique wheel pada proses bisnis usulan. Hasil akhir penelitian ini berupa usulan proses bisnis carrier enterprise pre sales yang dirancang dengan menerapkan teknik value added, simplification, automation, dan eliminating bureaucracy serta melibatkan perbaikan beberapa komponen proses baru seperti sumber daya manusia, kapabilitas, sarana dan prasarana, motivasi dan pengukuran.

Kata kunci: business process improvement, improvement technique wheels, proses bisnis

PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) is a company that serves international networks. In carrying out operational activities, PT. Telin has business processes, one of which is the carrier business process of pre sales. The purpose of the business process is to turn opportunities into profitable business transactions through process activities carried out within 25 days. However, the audit activities carried out by the team, showed that the actual Carrier Enterprise Pre Sales business processes have not been implemented perfectly marked by errors that should have been zero mistakes, based on five error audit criteria and the actual processing time of business processes more than the time they should, which is 37 days. As a result, the business process has been delayed and also some transactions have the potential to experience negative margins. Constraints faced by the company when carrying out business process activities become the background for proposing improvements with business process improvement, considering that this business process is a very important business process for PT. Telin Thus, this study was carried out by identifying the gap and obtained two results of the gap which then made improvements to the improvement technique wheel in the proposed business process. The final result of this research is the proposed business process of carrier pre-sales business that is designed by applying value added, simplification, automation, and eliminating bureaucracy techniques and involves the improvement of several new process components such as human resources, capabilities, facilities and infrastructure, motivation and measurement.

Key words: business process improvement, improvement technique wheels, business process






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri