Perancangan Jadwal Proyek Untuk Percepatan Penyelesaian Proyek Fiber To The Home Menggunakan Metode Pert-cpm Dan Crashing (lokasi Jl. Sukapura Oleh


  • Muhammad Fauzi Rofiq Telkom University
  • Ika Arum Puspita Telkom University
  • Mohammad Deni Akbar Telkom University


Abstrak PT.XYZ memiliki proyek perluasan jaringan FTTH (fiber to the home) berlokasi di jalan Sukapura Bojongsoang Bandung. Namun, proyek mengalami penundaan pekerjaan akibat adanya bencana Covid-19 yang menunda pekerjaan istalasi di lapangan. Bencana Covid-19 mengakibatkan instalasi pemasangan tiang dan penarikan kabel tidak mendapat izin dari warga setempat dan pimpinan unit, Sehingga proyek mengalami penundaan selama 3 hari dan berkemungkinan terlambat. Proyek ini memiliki durasi normal 40 hari dengan total biaya sejumlah Rp 159.697.378. Hasil penerapan percepatan proyek pada pengolahan data menunjukan proyek FTTH Jl. Sukapura dapat diselesaikan dalam 35 hari dengan total biaya yang tidak berubah Rp 159.697.378, hal ini disebabkan karena PT.XYZ harus membayar anggaran yang sama besar, ketika memperkerjakan 1 orang selama 4 hari bekerja, dan 4 orang selama 1 hari bekerja. Proyek FTTH Jl. Sukapura dianalisa menggunakan metode PERT-CPM untuk mengetahui probabilitas sebelum dan sesudah diterapkanya percepatan. Maka diperoleh nilai probabilitas sebelum di terapkanya percepatan proyek sebesar 40% dengan expected time 41 hari, dan nilai probabilitas sesudah di terapkanya percepatan proyek 87,7% dengan expected time 36 hari. Kata kunci : penjadwalan proyek, Percepatan Jadwal, Crashing, Critical Path Method, Project Evaluation Review Technic, penambahan jumlah tenaga kerja. Abstract PT.XYZ has a FTTH (fiber to the home) network expansion project located on Jalan Sukapura Bojongsoang Bandung. However, the project experienced work delays due to the Covid-19 disaster which delayed installation work in the field. The Covid-19 disaster resulted in the installation of installing poles and pulling cables not getting permission from local residents and unit leaders, so that the project was delayed for 3 days and possibly too late. This project has a normal duration of 40 days with a total cost of IDR 159,697,378. The results of implementing project acceleration in data processing show the FTTH project Jl. Sukapura can be completed in 35 days with a total cost that has not changed Rp. 159,697,378, this is because PT. XYZ has to pay the same budget, when it employs 1 person for 4 working days, and 4 people for 1 day of work. FTTH Project Jl. Sukapura was analyzed using the PERT-CPM method to determine the probability before and after the implementation of acceleration. Then the probability value prior to the implementation of the project acceleration is 40% with an expected time of 41 days, and the probability value after implementing the project acceleration is 87.7% with an expected time of 36 days. Keywords: project scheduling, Schedule Acceleration, Crashing, Critical Path Method, Project Evaluation Review Technic, additional workforce.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri