Studi Karakterisasi Kayu Berlubang Melalui Pengukuran Kapasitansi Menggunakan Sensor Kapasitif Multi Array


  • Faris Hamidan Telkom University
  • Dudi Darmawan Telkom University
  • Ahmad Qurthobi Telkom University


Abstrak Kekuatan kayu dapat berbeda setiap jenisnya. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kekuatan kayu adalah faktor biologis, kadar air, dan berat jenis kayu. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan nilai kapasitansi kayu dengan variasi luas lubang dan variasi posisi lubang menggunakan sensor kapasitif Multi Array. Sensor kapasitif berbahan mika ditambahkan pelat tembaga diatasnya. Pelat tembaga disusun secara array 3 x 3 dengan jarak antar pelat sejauh 0,5 cm. Pengukuran nilai kapasitansi menggunakan LCR Meter 700 yang dihubungkan pada sensor. Objek diletakan tepat di bawah sensor. Penelitian ini menggunakan empat jenis kayu yang berbeda. Masing-masing jenis kayu memiliki variasi luas lubang dan posisi lubang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan hasil sensor mampu mendeteksi perbedaan nilai kapasitansi pada sebuah kayu. Sensor mendeteksi adanya lubang berdasarkan perbedaan nilai kapasitansi. Semakin besar lubang, semakin kecil nilai kapasitansi. Semakin jauh jarak antara transmitter dan receiver, semakin kecil nilai kapasitansi. Sensor belum mampu mendeteksi posisi lubang pada kayu. Kata Kunci: Sensor Kapasitif, Multi Array, Pelat Sebidang, Kapasitansi, Lubang Pada Kayu, Kayu Abstract The strength of wood can be different for each type. Factors that influence wood strength are biological factors, moisture content, and wood density. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between the capacitance value of wood with variations in the width of the holes and variations in the position of the holes using the Multi Array capacitive sensor. Capacitive sensor material mica is added to a copper plate on top. The copper plates are arranged in a 3 x 3 array with a distance between the plates as far as 0.5 cm. Measuring the capacitance value using the LCR Meter 700 which is connected to the sensor. The object is placed directly under the sensor. This study uses four different types of wood. Each type of wood has a variety of hole areas and hole positions. This research was conducted with the results of the sensor being able to detect differences in the capacitance value of a wood. The sensor detects a hole based on the difference in capacitance value. The bigger the hole, the smaller the capacitance value. The farther the distance between the transmitter and receiver, the smaller the capacitance value. The sensor has not been able to detect the position of the hole in the wood. Keywords: Capacitive Sensor, Multi Array, Level Plate, Capacitance, Hole in Wood, Wood






Program Studi S1 Teknik Fisika