Analisis Perancangan Enterprise Architecture Pada Fungsi Pelaporan Keuangan Pt Jawa Pos Koran Menggunakan Togaf Adm


  • Rinaldi Tambunan Telkom University
  • Rokhman Fauzi Telkom University
  • Rachmadita Andreswari Telkom University


Abstrak merupakan bagian dari jawa pos Grup, jaringan media terbesar di Indonesia. Dengan lebih dari 200 media tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, dari sabang sampai merauke, Jawa Pos Grup berhasil menjadi penyedia informasi terlengkap, terdepan dan terpercaya di tanah air. Bermula dari sebuah koran kecil di Surabaya yang didirikan pada 1 juli 1949, bisnis Jawa Pos kini sudah merambah ke media televisi, event dana digital. Jawa Pos memasuki bisnis digital pada 2014 dengan menghadirkan Peran teknologi informasi cukup la penting dalam mendukung berjalannya proses bisnis pada perusahaaan, untuk memanfaatkan peran teknologi secara maksimal sehingga selaras dengan bisnis yang dijalankan maka diperlukan perancangan enterprise architecture yang sesuai pada fungsi pelaporan keuangan Jawa Pos. Terdapat framework yang dapat dijadikan acuan dalam melakukan perancangan enterprise architecture, yakni TOGAF ADM. Untuk perancangan enterprsie architecture yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini akan meliputi fase Preliminary, Architetcure Vision, Business Architecture, Data Architecture, Technology architecture, Opportunities and Solution dan Migration Planning. Kata Kunci : Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF ADM, Jawa Pos, Fungsi pelaporan keuangan Abstract is part of the Java Post Group, the largest media network in Indonesia. With more than 200 media spread throughout Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, Jawa Pos Group has managed to become the most complete, leading and trusted provider of information in the country. Starting from a small newspaper in Surabaya which was established on July 1, 1949, the Jawa Pos business has now penetrated into television media, a digital fund event. Jawa Pos entered the digital business in 2014 by presenting The role of information technology is quite important in supporting the running of business processes in the company, to utilize the role of technology to the maximum so that it is aligned with the business being run. So the design of an enterprise architecture is appropriate in the Java Pos financial reporting function. There is a framework that can be used as a reference in designing enterprise architecture, namely TOGAF ADM. For the design of enterprsie architecture carried out in this study will cover the Preliminary phase, Architecure Vision, Business Architecture, Data Architecture, Technology architecture, Opportunities and Solution and Migration Planning Keywords : Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF ADM, Jawa Pos, financial reporting function.






Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi