Perbaikan Performansi Layanan Komunikasi Voip Di Tol Layang Jakarta-cikampek


  • Astrid Maydiana Telkom University
  • Uke Kurniawan Usman Telkom University
  • Nur Andini Telkom University


Abstrak Beberapa titik di sepanjang jalur Tol Layang Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) mengalami pelemahan sinyal hingga berada di ambang batas Key Performance Index (KPI). Saat berkomunikasi menggunakan layanan data khususnya komunikasi Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), user sering mengalami kegagalan dan mengalami reconnecting secara otomatis. Perbaikan terhadap coverage dilakukan dengan skenario mengubah arah azimuth antenna, dan carrier aggregation. RSRP. Hasil analisis terhadap nilai rata-rata persebaran RSRP meningkat dari -92,31 menjadi -76,66 dBm. Nilai rata-rata persebaran SINR ikut meningkat dari 5,17 dB menjadi 7,79 dB. Serta nilai throughput mengalami peningkatan dari 19,985 Mbps menjadi 33,048 Mbps. Hasil analisis mengenai permasalahan user yang gagal terkoneksi pada jaringan eksisting sebanyak 3.527 user (9,7%) mengalami penurunan menjadi 123 user (0,3%). Nilai delay sebesar 93,93 ms, nilai jitter sebesar 40,4 ms, dan nilai packet loss sebesar 1,04%. Ketiga nilai tersebut sudah memenuhi KPI dari Quality of Service (QoS). Kata Kunci: VoIP, Tol Layang Japek, RSRP, SINR, throughput, user connected, delay, jitter, packet loss. Abstract Several points along the Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) Elevated Toll experienced signal attenuation to the point where they were within the Key Performance Index (KPI) threshold. When communicating using data services, especially Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) communication, users often experience failure and reconnecting automatically. Improvements to coverage are carried out by changing the azimuth antenna pattern and carrier aggregation. The results of the analysis on the average value of the RSRP distribution increased from -92.31 to -76.66 dBm. The average value of the SINR distribution also increased from 5.17 dB to 7.79 dB. And the throughput value has increased from 19.985 Mbps to 33.048 Mbps. The results of the analysis regarding the problems of users who failed to connect to the existing network were 3,527 users (9.7%), which decreased to 123 users (0.3%). The delay value is 93.93 ms, the jitter value is 40.4 ms, and the packet loss value is 1.04%. These three values have met the KPI of Quality of Service (QoS). Keywords: VoIP, Japek Elevated Toll, RSRP, SINR, throughput, user connected, delay, jitter, packet loss






Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi