Analisis Tekno Ekonomi Terhadap Perencanaan Jaringan Narrow Band Internet Of Things (nb-iot) Untuk Layanan Smart Metering Di Wilayah Urban (studi Kasus: Kota Padang)


  • M. Topati Sultan Telkom University
  • Nachwan Mufti Adriansyah Telkom University
  • Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin Telkom University


Currently, energy monitoring activities in Indonesia are still carried out manually for gas, electricity, and water. However, there is a weakness in manual monitoring, the data cannot be processed in real time. This research was applied in the City of Padang as one of the urban areas in Indonesia. The planning is using Narrowband Internet of Thing (NB-IoT). NBIoT is a network technology with low frequency bands and low costs. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is an application that has a potential to use the NB-IoT network. The development of the NB-IoT network on AMI’s services will be carried out with coverage and capacity calculations. After the calculations and simulations NB-IoT carried out, the next step is calculation and analysis of techno-economics. This calculation can be used as a benchmark to test the feasibility of whether NBIoT on smart metering is suitable or not. Through technoeconomics, it can be seen how the impact of implementing NBIoT on AMI’s services, whether it will bring profit or losses in the future. Keywords— NB-IoT, smart metering, network planning, internet of things, low power wide area network, technoeconomics






Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi