Design Of Makaroni Kendo Instagram Marketing Improvement Program Using Benchmarking And Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Methods


  • Sabhrina Salsabella Telkom University
  • Yati Rohayati Telkom University
  • Ima N Kusmayanti Telkom University


Macaroni Kendo is a home industry that produces snacks. Various kinds of macaroni are the superior products of Kendo Macaroni. Located in Sumedang, Makaroni Kendo has two sales systems, through online and offline. Offline sales are done by opening a stand at every bazaar event in Sumedang. While online sales use social media Instagram and WhatsApp. Even though it has provided online purchases, there is still a gap between the sales target and the specified sales achievement. And there are still shortcomings in the management of Makaroni Kendo's Instagram social media. In addition, the percentage of the target market's knowledge of Kendo Macaroni is still low. Therefore, this research was conducted to find out more about best practices in marketing programs through Instagram social media. This research uses the benchmarking method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process tools to determine the right benchmark partner with each criterion from Instagram's social media features (Feeds, Story, Caption, Profile, and advertising) and 15 subcriteria that have been integrated with Voice of Customer (VoC). These criteria and sub-criteria are compared with selected benchmark partners and will be the basis for designing recommendations for improving Instagram's social media marketing program which is the result of this research. Keywords: Instagram, Benchmarking, Analytical hierarchy Process, Social media marketing






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri