Perbandingan Kinerja Grpa Dan Spa Pada Kanal Los Untuk Sistem Noma Komunikasi Cahaya Tampak Di Bawah Air


  • Luthfi Nur’adli Telkom University
  • Arfianto Fahmi Telkom University


Abstrak Underwater visible light communication (UVLC) merupakan komunikasi jaringan tanpa kabel dimana informasi dikirimkan dengan media cahaya melalui gelombang tampak, dalam hal ini sumber cahaya berasal dari light emitting diode (LED). UVLC memiliki beberapa keterbatasan salah satunya yaitu sempitnya bandwidth. UVLC mengalami pembagian bandwith modulasi untuk dialokasikan terhadap setiap pengguna. Pembagian bandwith ini sehingga berdampak dalam kapasitas sistem. Pada Tugas Akhir ini menganalisis performa kinerja dua metode alokasi daya dalam medium air, diantaranya gain ratio power allocation (GRPA) dan static power allocation (SPA). Selain itu dilakukan penelitian terhadap pengaruh user fairness terhadap sumrate pada model sistem NOMA-UVLC. Dalam hasil penelitian diperoleh pada sistem NOMAUVLC nilai alokasi daya GRPA lebih stabil dibandingkan dengan alokasi daya SPA. Kemudian dengan diterapkan nya residu pada proses successive interference cancellation (SIC) akan mengakibatkan penurunan kapasitas sitem jika dibandingkan tidak mengalami residu pada proses SIC. Selain itu dengan bertambahnya sumrate pada sistem NOMA-UVLC berdampak pada penurunan keadilan setiap pengguna. Kata Kunci : Underwater Visible Light Communication, NOMA, GRPA, SPA, Successive Interference Cancellation. Abstract Underwater Visible light communication (UVLC) is a wireless network communication where information is transmitted by light media via visible waves, in this case the light source comes from a light emitting diode (LED). UVLC has several limitations, one of which is the narrow bandwidth. UVLC undergoes a distribution of modulated bandwidth to be allocated to each user. This bandwidth sharing has an impact on system capacity. In this final project, we analyze the performance of two power allocation methods in water medium, including gain ratio power allocation (GRPA) and static power allocation (SPA). In addition, research was conducted on the effect of user fairness on sumrate on the NOMA-UVLC system model. In the research results obtained in the NOMAUVLC system the value of the GRPA power allocation is more stable than the SPA power allocation. Then, by applying the residue to the successive interference cancellation (SIC) process, it will result in a decrease in system capacity when compared to no residue in the SIC process. In addition, the increase in sumrate in the NOMAUVLC system has an impact on decreasing the fairness of each user. Keywords: Underwater Visible Light Communication, NOMA, GRPA, SPA, Successive Interference Cancellation.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi