Perancangan Alat Bantu Belajar Pada Alat Musik Tradisional Talempong Berbasis Internet Of Things


  • Yoga M. Rizki Telkom University
  • Randy Erfa Saputra Telkom University
  • Casi Setianingsih Telkom University


Abstract— Minangkabau West Sumatra has one of the traditional musical instruments called Talempong. This instrument has a gong-like shape that has a tone in each gong. Talempong itself is very much found in every area of West Sumatra. Talempong is one of the cultural heritage of Minangkabau people obtained from their ancestors through generations who have a type of instrumental music. In learning talempong music is not easy, because in each gong has a different tone so that one must be able to memorize and understand the tone on each gong. In learning this instrument takes a long time. In this era of technology is growing rapidly, one of the technologies that is developing today is IoT (Internet of Things). By using IoT makes a job easier, one of them can be used in the learning process of talempong musical instruments. In this Final Task research, we created a tool that can facilitate the learning process of Talempong instruments, so that it does not take long to learn it using IoT technology. The system used is to use the website as a controller for song selection and phases, there are 10 songs and 3 phases in it. The phase consists of phase 1 as checking IoT tools and Talempong instruments whether it is appropriate, phase 2 as the phase used to perform the learning process and phase 3 as a challenge for users. The results of this study obtained that 100% of websites and tools are in accordance with the expected and have an average system time for phase 2 2.5652s and phase 3 2.7992s. Keywords—Internet of Things, Talempong, Arduino






Program Studi S1 Teknik Komputer