Designing Improvements In Online Marketing Media On Instagram Janjian Coffee Housepoint Using Benchmarking Methods And Analytic Hierarchy Process (Ahp)


  • Yohana Deachrist Telkom University
  • Yati Rohayati Telkom University
  • Ima Normalia Kusmayanti Telkom University



Janjian Coffee is a local coffee shop from Bekasi established in January 2020. Janjian Coffee focuses on selling ready to drink coffee with 11 various kinds of coffee. Currently, Janjian Coffee sells through offline and online store. Janjian Coffee has a good quality coffee proven by customer. However, Janjian Coffee income got fluctuation and did not reach the target. The one of causes is low brand awareness of Instagram Janjian Coffee due to poor digital marketing activity not optimize to use Instagram as marketing communication media. This research uses a benchmarking method for identify the gaps and determine best practices of Instagram benchmark partners performance by observations. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a tool used for decision making to get the priority ranking of five criteria (feeds, caption, profile, story, and caption) and 17 sub criteria of Instagram and obtained from Voice of Customer (VoC) and based on previous research. The results of this research, Janjian Coffee know the root causes of problem and get the effective solutions. The effective solution is designing the improvements for Instagram Janjian Coffee performance by implementing the importance order of criteria (features) and sub criteria Instagram. Research also creates implementation plan from design improvements that validated and in accordance with the ability of Janjian Coffee.

Keywords: Janjian Coffee, Media Communication Marketing, Instagram, Benchmarking, Analytic Hierarchy Process






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri