Performance Analysis Of Class Rebalancing Self-Training Framework For Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning


  • Alvaro Septra Dominggo Nauw Telkom University
  • Suryo Adhi Wibowo Telkom University
  • Casi Setianingsih Telkom University


This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of
the Class-Rebalancing Self-Training (CReST) method in semisupervised
learning (SSL) on class-imbalanced data. The study
uses the CIFAR 10 long-tailed dataset to test the performance of
SSL with CReST using Python programming language on the
Google Colab platform. The results showed that CReST
effectively reduces pseudo-labels in the majority class and
increases recall in the minority class, with the best performance
achieved at Generation 16. However, there was a decrease in
Average Accuracy Recall per Class after Generation 16. The
study suggests addressing the over-sampling issue and exploring
the application of the CReST framework in other areas of
machine learning and AI.

Kata kunci— CReST, Semi-Supervised Learning, imbalance
data, pseudo label, Semi-Supervised Learning Generation


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Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi