Research On Raspberry Pi 3b+ For Load Balancing On 2 Web Servers


  • Alfarabi Ivandi Noor Telkom University
  • Sofia Naning Hertiana Telkom University
  • Arif Indra Irawan Telkom University


Augmenting the web server's capacity may lead
to system failures or excessive load, ultimately resulting in
server downtime. In order to address this issue, a loadbalancing strategy is employed. This technique involves the
distribution of incoming requests over multiple servers
simultaneously, thereby reducing the workload absorbed by
each individual server. The scalability of the system enables
the equitable distribution of server traffic loads across
numerous connection lines, optimizing throughput,
enhancing reaction time, and mitigating the risk of overload
on any single connection line. The Nginx load balancer
program will be utilized, employing the Round Robin and
Least Connection algorithms. These methods will be
connected to two Django web servers. In the analysis of the
Throughput, Delay, and Response time metrics for the two
algorithms, it was observed that there were no statistically
significant differences, with the exception of the tests
conducted with 5000 and 6000 requests. Therefore, it can be
inferred that the utilization of Round-Robin and Least
Connection algorithms is appropriate for a website
experiencing traffic volumes ranging from 500 to 4000
requests per minute, with content sizes that are not
excessively large, in order to prevent any potential issues
during the server load sharing procedure.

Keywords — Raspberry Pi 3B+, Load Balancing, Nginx, Django, Round Robin, Least Connection.


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Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi