Design of Improvement of the Existing UI/UX in the "Banyuwangi Tourism App" Application to Improve the Quality of Tourism Application in Banyuwangi Regency Using the Design Thinking Method
Banyuwangi Regency has many promising
tourist destinations, including Ijen Crater as a natural tourism
object, Cacalan Beach as a marine tourism object, and
Gandrung Terracotta as a cultural tourism object which is an
attraction for tourists to come to Banyuwangi Regency.
"Banyuwangi Tourism App" is an application launched by
Banyuwangi Regency as a medium of information about
tourism in Banyuwangi Regency. This application provides
information on tourist destinations in Banyuwangi Regency,
Banyuwangi Festival information, information about
traditional markets, and ordering food at traditional markets.
However, users still experience problems using the application,
based on the data obtained, users experience problems
regarding ticketing, completeness of information, systems, and
UX. System design in this final project will use the design
thinking method to design prototypes according to what the user
needs. This method consists of 5 stages, namely, Empathize,
Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test. The results of this study are a
prototype for improving the UI/UX using the design thinking
method to provide a more effective and efficient application
design for improving the quality of tourism application in the
Banyuwangi district.
Keyword — Application, Application Improvement Design,
Banyuwangi, <Banyuwangi Tourism App=, Design Thinking,
System Improvement Design
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