Designing Distribution Routes Of Fmcg Product In Pt Abc With Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem And Time Window Using Branch And Bound Method To Minimize Travel Distance


  • Arini Nourma Telkom University
  • Ari Yanuar Ridwan Telkom University
  • Rio Aurachman Telkom University


Abstrak—Proses distribusi merupakan sebuah rangkaian penting di dalam logistik yang memiliki peran penting untuk menunjang faktor kepuasan pelanggan. Dalam proses ditribusinya, PT ABC memilki 29 customer lokal yang tersebar di daerah Jawa Barat. Dimana proses konfirmasi pengiriman dilakukan sehari sebelum pengiriman barang dilakukan ke customer. Dalam proses distribusi, PT ABC mengalami keterlambatan sebesar 21% dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan. Kondisi ini membuat PT.ABC harus membayar bea penalty sehingga ongkos transportasi menjadi naik. Dimana keterlambatan keberangkatan armada memiliki prosentase terbanyak, yaitu sebesar 61%.. Keterlambatan keberangkatan armada disebabkan tidak adanya penjadwalan keberangkatan armada dan tidak adanya pemilihan rute yang tepat untuk setiap customer sehingga jarak tempuh customer menjadi lebih besar. Pada penelitian kali ini, akan dilakukan penjadwalan keberangkatan armada dan penentuan rute setiap customer dengan tipe VRP yaitu Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem (VRPMT) dan Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window (VRPTW) menggunakan salah satu metode eksak yaitu algoritma Branch and Bound dengan fungsi tujuan meminimasi jarak tempuh kendaraan. Hasil akhir dari algoritma Branch and Bound dapat meminimasi jarak tempuh sebesar 17,1%.

Kata kunci: Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), VRP Multi-Trip (VRPMT), VRP Time Window (VRPTW), Scheduling, Branch and Bound Algorithm.

Abstract— PT.ABC is a food industry that produces chocolate and cocoa products that have been established for 175 years and located in Bandung. In a distribution process PT ABC have 29 local customer around West Java, with delivery confirmation done one day before loading date to customer. Delay in delivery to customer is the main problem of PT ABC that need to solve, they reach 21% delay in distribution customer order for 6 month. It will affect increase in transportation cost because PT ABC should pay penalty cost. There are 4 factors impact delay of distribution process, but delay in departure of fleet has the biggest rate , about 61%. It caused by there is no schedule in fleet departure and there is no right designing route for each customer. In this research, this case will be done by create scheduling and vehicle routing problem with characteristic contained Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem and Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window using Branch and Bound Algorithm to minimize travel distance. In the end, the travel distance can be minimized 17,1%.

Keywords: Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), VRP Multi-Trip (VRPMT), VRP Time Window (VRPTW), Scheduling, Branch and Bound Algorithm






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri