Penerapan Lean Manufacturing Untuk Meminimasi Waste Inventory Pada Proses Produksi Buku Soft Cover Pt Mizan Grafika Sarana
Abstrak PT Mizan Grafika Sarana merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang percetakan. Terdapat 5 jenis buku yang diproduksi yaitu soft cover, hard cover, eva book, board book, dan toys book. Berdasarkan data historis produksi buku Januari s.d. Desember 2017 terindikasi adanya permasalahan keterlambatan dalam pengiriman yang diakibatkan oleh ketidaktercapain produksi buku. Ketidaktercapaian tertinggi terjadi pada produksi buku soft cover mencapai 7,37% (289.224) dengan ratarata keterlambatan pengiriman selama 2 hari dan rata-rata jumlah buku sebanyak 1496 eksemplar. SDBerdasarkan permasalahan yang terjadi, maka dengan pendekatan lean manufacturing dilakukan pemetaan Value Stream Mapping (VSM) curret state untuk mengetahui aliran proses produksi dari gudang sampai ketangan konsumen. Dari hasil pemetaan VSM diperoleh nilai aktivitas non-value added lebih besar di bandingkan aktivitas value added yaitu 33433,99 detik (9,28 jam). Dari hasil tersebut maka dilakukan pemetaan Process Activity Mapping (PAM) untuk mengetahui secara detail aktivitas yang dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan diperoleh aktivitas value added sebesar 2,21%, non-value addde sebesar 70,48%, dan necessary non-value added sebesar 27,31%. Dari hasil PAM aktivitas non-value added memiliki persentase tertinggi dimana menandakan adanya aktivitas yang tidak membeikan nilai tambah yang harus dihilangkan. Diperoleh adanya waste inventory sebesar 87,12%. Identifikasi waste inventory dilakukan dengan menggunakan fishbone dan 5 why’s. Untuk meminimasi waste inventory dilakukan perancangan penerapan sistem Kanban. Setelah melakukan rancangan usulan dilakukan pemetaan Value Stream Mapping (VSM) future state.
Kata Kunci: Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping, Process Activity Mapping, Waste Inventory, Fishbone Diagram, 5 Why’s, 5W1H, Kanban.
Abstract PT Mizan Grafika Sarana is one of printing company. There are 5 types of books produced, those are: soft cover, hard cover, eva book, board book, and toys book. Based on historical data of January's book production s.d. December 2017, there were delays in the delivery caused by non-production of books. The highest incidence occurred in the production of soft cover book, up to 7.37% (289,224) with average delivery delay 2 days and the average number of books production are 1496 copies. Based on the problems, by lean manufacturing approach, the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) current state is conducted. Its goal is to know the flow of production process from the warehouse to the hands of consumers. From the VSM mapping results obtained that the non-value added activities are greater than the value added activity with lead time 33433.99 seconds (9.28 hours). From these results then the Process Activity Mapping (PAM) is mapped to find out in detail the activities undertaken. Based on the mapping result, the value added activities are 2,21%, non-value added are 70,48%, and the necessary non-value added is 27,31%. From the PAM result, the non-value added activity has the highest percentage indicating any activity that does not give added value that must be eliminated. There were also obtained waste of inventory up to 87,12%. Identification of waste inventory is done by using fishbone and 5 why's. To minimize waste inventory, the implementation of Kanban system is desigmed. After doing the proposed improvement, the Value Stream Mapping mapping (VSM) future state is mapped
Keywords: Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping, Process Activity Mapping, Waste Inventory, Fishbone Diagram, 5 Why's, 5W1H, Kanban.