Perancangan Kebijakan Perawatan Mesin Cutting Pada Pabrik Pipa Dengan Menggunakan Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (ram) Analysis Dan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (rcm) (studi Kasus: Pt Xyz)


  • Fididio Agoeng Pamboedi Telkom University
  • Endang Budiasih Telkom University
  • Fransiskus Tatas Dwi Atmaji Telkom University


Abstrak PT XYZ merupakan salah satu industri manufaktur yang bergerak dibidang Baja dan Beton siap pakai untuk industri kontruksi, kelistrikan, pertambangan, telekomunikasi dan perhubungan. Mesin Cutting merupakan salah satu mesin yang harus selalu siap pakai karena mempengaruhi proses produksi dan target produksi. Karena tingginya tingkat frekuensi downtime pada Mesin Cutting, maka diperlukan suatu kegiatan perawatan yang efektif, cara yang dilakukan pada penelitian keandalan mesin adalah menggunakan metode Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAM) analysis dan juga untuk menentukan kebijakan perawatan yang efektif dan tepat untuk Mesin Cutting adalah menggunakan metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM). Berdasarkan perhitungan metode RAM Analysis dengan menggunakan pemodelan Reliability Block Diagram diketahui bahwa Reliability sistem pada waktu 112 jam sistem memiliki nilai Reliability (1%). Nilai Maintainability sistem pada waktu 5 jam adalah 100%. Nilai Inherent Availability sebesar 97,34% dan nilai Operational Availability sebesar 88,77%. Berdasarkan evaluasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan World Class Key Performance Indicator, indikator dari Lagging Indicator belum mencapai target indikator yang diberikan sedangkan Leading Indicator telah mencapai target. Dengan metode RCM, didapat 2 Schedule On-Condition Task, 3 Schedule Restoration Task dan 1 Schedule Discard Task dengan interval waktu perawatan yang berbeda sesuai dengan subsistemnya masing-masing, serta penurunan biaya preventive maintenance sebesar Rp 3.467.688.301.
Kata Kunci: Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Preventive Maintenance, Key Performance Indicator, Downtime.

Abstract PT XYZ is one of the manufacturing industries engaged in ready-made Steel and Concrete for construction industry, electricity, mining, telecommunication and transportation. Cutting machine is one of the machines that must always be ready to use because it affects the production process and production targets. Due to the high level of downtime frequencies in Cutting Machines, an effective maintenance activity is required, the way in which the reliability research of the machine is to use Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAM) analysis and also to determine the effective and appropriate maintenance policy for Cutting Machine is using Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) method. Based on calculation method of RAM Analysis by using Reliability Block Diagram is known that Reliability system at 112 hour system have value Reliability (1%). The value of Maintainability system at 5 hours is 100%. Inherent Availability value of 97,34% and the value of Operational Availability of 88,77%. Based on the evaluation conducted using World Class Key Performance Indicator, indicator of Lagging Indicator has not reached the target indicator given while Leading Indicator has reached the target. With RCM method, 2 Schedule On-Condition Tasks, 3 Schedule Restoration Tasks and 1 Schedule Discard Task with different maintenance intervals based on their respective subsystems, and Rp 3.467.688.301 reduction in preventive maintenance cost.
Keywords : Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Preventive Maintenance, Key Performance Indicator, Downtime






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri