Usulan Kebijakan Optimasi Sistem Perawatan Pada Mesin Ila-0005 L-turning Grooves Dengan Menggunakan Metode Risk Based Maintenance (rbm) Dan Cost Of Unreliability Di


  • Riztan Anggitya Sihombing Telkom University
  • Fransiskus Tatas Dwi Atmaji Telkom University
  • Endang Budiasih Telkom University


Abstrak PT XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan otomotif terbesar di Indonesia. PT XYZ memproduksi berbagai macam mobil dan mesin yang berbeda. Proses produksi di PT XYZ merupakan proses yang paling utama, karena pada tahap ini proses pembuatan mesin mobil yang dilakukan dengan tahap proses produksi pada beberapa tempat yaitu TR Crank Shaft Line, TR Cam Shaft Line, TR Cilynder Block Line, TR Cilynder Head Line dan Assembly. Mesin ILA-0005 merupakan salah satu mesin di TR Crank Shaft Line. Dari hasil pengolahan data yang dilakukan dengan metode Risk-Based Maintenance mesin I LA-0005 memiliki risiko sebesar Rp 991.271.047 (1,076%). Risiko tersebut melewati kriteria penerimaaan perusahaan yaitu Rp 921.600.000 (1% pendapatan per tahun). Interval perawatan yang dihasilkan berupa rstoration task dan discard task. Interval perawatan pada subsistem detector adalah 395,04 jam, Mechanic adalah 1415,95 jam, spindel adalah 452,666jam, Jig adalah 834,231 jam dan fixture adalah 496,008 jam. Pada metode Cost Of Unreliability didapatkan biaya yang disebabkan oleh ketidakhandalan sistem sebesar Rp 273.703.696 berdasarkan active repair time Rp 346.986.572

Kata Kunci – Preventive Maintenance, Reliability-Centered Maintenance, Risk Based Maintenance.

Abstract PT XYZ is one of the companies in the field of the largest automotive in Indonesian. Process production in PT.XYZ is the most important process, because at this stage the process of making a car engine is done with the production process stages in some plan that is TR Crank Shaft Line, TR Cam Shaft Line, TR Cylinder Block Line, TR Cylinder Head Line , and Assembly. ILA-0005 engine is one of the machines that are TR Crank Shaft Line. From the result of the date processing is carried out for the calculation of the risk based maintenance ILA-0005 mechine has risk of Rp 991.271.047 (1,076%). The risk goes beyond the criteria for comparate earning’s Rp 921.600.000 (1% of income per year). The resulting maintenance interval is a Restoration and a discard task. The maintenance interval for the detectore subsystem is 395,04 hour, mechanic is 1415,95 hour, spindel is 452,666 hour , Jig is 834,231 hour , and fixture subsystem is 496,008 hour. For the calculation of the Cost Of Ureliability is obtained the cost caused by unreliability Rp 273.703.696 system based on active repaire time and Rp 346.986.572 based on downtime.

Keywords – Preventive Maintenance, Reliability-Centered Maintenance, Risk Based Maintenance






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri