Implementasi Dynamic Switch Migration pada Controller Terdistribusi di Software Defined Network.


  • Rizal Mochamad Nazar Telkom University
  • Maman Abdurohman Telkom University
  • Erwid Musthofa Jadied Telkom University


Abstrak Software Defined Network merupakan teknologi yang dapat mengelola jaringan skala besar dengan memisahkan control plane dan data plane. Pengaturan jaringan dilakukan secara terpusat logically centralized oleh controller. ketika sebuah controller mengalami kelebihan load dan terjadi Single Point of Failure maka kinerja jaringan akan terganggu. Software Defined Network dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan mengimplementasikan arsitektur Multiple Distributed Controller menggunakan metode Dynamic Switch Migration. Arsitektur Multiple Distributed Controller dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua buah controller dengan peran Master dan Slave. Melalui simulasi menggunakan arsitektur Multiple Distributed Controller telah diuji kemampuan mekanisme Dynamic Switch Migration dalam menangani masalah kelebihan load pada controller dengan memindahkan sebagian switch dari controller master ke controller slave dan masalah Single Point of Failure dengan memindahkan seluruh switch controller master ke Controller slave. Kata kunci: Software Defined Network, Dynamic Switch Migration,Multiple Distributed Controller, kelebihan load, controller slave, controller master Abstract Software Defined Network is a technology that can manage large-scale networks by separating control plane and data plane. Network settings are centrally logically centralized by the controller. when a controller is overloaded and a Single Point of Failure occurs, network performance will be disrupted. Software Defined Network can solve this problem by implementing the Multiple Distributed Controller architecture using the Dynamic Switch Migration method. The Multiple Distributed Controller architecture in this study uses two controllers with Master and Slave roles. Through simulation using the Multiple Distributed Controller architecture, the ability of the Dynamic Switch Migration mechanism to handle the problem of overloading the controller by moving a part of the switch to the slave controller and Single Point of Failure by moving all switches to the Slave Controller. Keywords: Software Defined Network, Dynamic Switch Migration,Multiple Distributed Controller, overloaded, controller slave, controller master






Program Studi S1 Informatika