Analisis Performansi Qos Inter Autonomous System Mpls-vpn Back-to-back Vrf Pada Layanan Ims


  • Sabrina Chairunnisa Telkom University
  • Rendy Munadi Telkom University
  • Danu Dwi Sanjoyo Telkom University


Abstrak Di era kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang semakin pesat, kebutuhan akan layanan multimedia berbasis IP pun semakin tinggi. Lebih dari setengah penduduk Indonesia kini telah terhubung ke internet. Perkembangan teknologi internet juga telah membuktikan bahwa jaringan internet yang terpisah harus dapat dibangun dan dihubungkan satu sama lainnya sehingga user atau pelanggan dapat mengirim dan menerima traffic tanpa harus memikirkan bahwa beberapa provider terlibat dalam transportasi pengiriman paket data. Salah satu teknologi yang mendukung hal tersebut adalah teknologi Inter AS Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) dengan fitur VPN (Virtual Private Network). Pada Tugas AKhir ini, telah dilakukan pengujian performansi kualitas layanan IMS yang dijalankan pada jaringan backbone berbasis Inter AS MPLS VPN background traffic 0, 1, 5, 10, 20 Mbps. Hasil pengujian menunjukan nilai throughput berbanding terbalik dengan besarnya nilai background traffic. Nilai throughput pada layanan VoIP menurur dari nilai sebesar s.d 0,08576 Mbps s.d. 0,06265 Mbps dan menurun sebesar 0,6802 Mbps s.d 0,5806 Mbps pada layanan video call. Pada kedua layanan didapatkan nilai jitter rata- rata << 1 ms dan delay < 150 ms. Dan didapatkan nilai packet loss dari kedua layanan pada kedua metode masuk kedalam kategori layak untuk background traffic 0 Mbps , 1 Mbps , dan 5 Mbps. Kata kunci : Kamailio, SIP, NGN, IMS, VoIP, Video Call, QoS Abstract Nowadays, the advancement of information and communication technology is increasing rapidly, where the need for IP-based multimedia services is even higher. More than half the population of Indonesia has now connected to the internet. The development of internet technology has also proven that separate internet networks must be built and connected to each other so that users or customers can send and receive traffic without having to think that some providers are involved in transporting packet data delivery. One of the technologies that support it is Inter AS Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology with VPN (Virtual Private Network) feature. At the end of this task, performance testing of IMS service quality has been performed on InterAS MPLS VPN backbone with the variable of background traffic 0, 1, 5, 10, 20 Mbps. The test results show the throughput value is inversely proportional to the value of the background traffic. The throughput value of VoIP services decreases from a value of s. 0.08576 Mbps s.d. 0.06265 Mbps and decreased by 0.6802 Mbps s.d 0.5806 Mbps in video call services. In both services, the average jitter value is << 1 ms and the delay is <150 ms. And obtained packet loss value from both services in both methods entered into a feasible category for 0 Mbps, 1 Mbps and 5 Mbps background traffic.Keywords : Kamailio, SIP, NGN, IMS, VoIP, Video Call, QoS






Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi