Penerapan Metode Reliability-centered Maintenance Dan Risk-based Maintenance Untuk Usulan Kebijakan Maintenance Komponen Kritis Sistem Reformer (studi Kasus: Pt Pupuk Kalimantan Timur)


  • Grahesa Adri Putra Telkom University
  • Endang Budiasih Telkom University
  • Aji Pamoso Telkom University


Abstrak PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur merupakan perusahaan penghasil amonia dan urea terbesar di Indonesia, dengan kapasitas produksi mencapai 2,76 juta ton amonia dan 3,43 juta ton urea. PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur mengoperasikan masing-masing 5 unit pabrik untuk memproduksi amonia dan urea, serta terdapat 4 unit pabrik utilitas yang berfungsi menyediakan listrik, steam, dan air. Tiap pabrik terbagi menjadi 5 zona (K-1A, K-2, K-3, K-4, K-5) sesuai dengan lokasinya masing-masing. Dalam dua tahun terakhir, pabrik amonia di zona K-4 memiliki rata-rata jumlah produksi amonia yang paling rendah dikarenakan tingginya tingkat corrective maintenance pada pabrik tersebut. Sistem yang paling krusial dalam proses produksi amonia adalah sistem reformer, sistem ini bertugas untuk mereaksikan gas alam terdesulfurisasi dengan steam dan udara yang kemudian menghasilkan gas hidrogen sebagai komposisi pembuatan amonia. Maka dari itu diperlukan kebijakan maintenance yang sesuai untuk sistem reformer. Dengan menggunakan risk matrix diperoleh AT-2002, PDT-2014, dan PV-2001 sebagai komponen kritis terpilih. Kemudian ditentukan kebijakan maintenance, total biaya maintenance, dan risikonya menggunakan metode reliability-centered maintenance dan risk-based maintenance. Berdasarkan hasil pengumpulan dan pengolahan data, diperoleh 6 scheduled on-condition tasks, dan 4 scheduled restoration tasks dengan interval waktu maintenance sesuai kategori task-nya, total biaya maintenance usulan sebesar Rp 159.702.111, dengan risiko sebesar Rp 82.754.935.
Kata kunci: maintenance, reliability-centered maintenance, risk-based maintenance.

Abstract PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur is the largest ammonia and urea producer in Indonesia, with a production capacity of 2,76 million tons of ammonia and 3,43 million tons of urea. PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur operates 5 units of plants for the production of ammonia and urea, and there are 4 units of utility plants that provide electricity, steam and water. Each plant is divided into 5 zones (K-1A, K-2, K-3, K-4, K-5) according to their respective location. In the last two years, the ammonia plant in the K-4 zone has the lowest average ammonia production rate due to the high corrective maintenance level at the plant. The most crucial system in the process of ammonia production is the reformer system, the system which is responsible in reacting the sulfurized natural gas with steam and air which then produces hydrogen gas as an ammonia making composition. Therefore, an appropriate maintenance policy is required in the reformer system. By using the risk matrix, AT-2002, PDT-2014, and PV-2001 are obtained as the selected critical components. Then the maintenance policy, total maintenance costs, and risks are determined using the method of reliability-centered maintenance and risk-based maintenance. Based on the results of collecting and processing the data, there are 6 scheduled on-condition tasks, and 4 scheduled restoration tasks with maintenance time interval in accordance to their task category, a total maintenance cost of Rp 159.702.111 with the risk as much as Rp 82.754.935.
Keywords: maintenance, reliability-centered maintenance, risk-based maintenance.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri