Antena Mikrostrip Persegi Panjang Dengan Celah-t Untuk Stasiun Bumi Ads-b 1,09 Ghz


  • Evi Nur Cahyanti Telkom University
  • Heroe Wijanto Telkom University
  • Budi Syihabuddin Telkom University


Abstrak Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) adalah sistem pengawas udara yang dapat melacak posisi pesawat udara, kecepatan, karakteristik, cuaca dan data lainnya secara berkala. Sistem ADS-B menggunakan teknologi Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), dimana pesawat akan terus memancarkan informasi ke stasiun bumi, satelit dan pesawat udara lainnya, sehingga setiap pergerakan dapat terdeteksi. Antena penerima ADS-B bekerja pada frekuensi 1090 MHz dengan polarisasi linier vertikal, karena tidak terkena efek rotasi Faraday. Karakteristik antena penerima ADS-B yaitu memiliki gain yang tinggi dan memiliki pola radiasi omni direksional agar dapat menerima sinyal dari segala arah. Pada penelitian ini, dirancang antena mikrostrip menggunakan bahan dielektrik (ðœºð’“) bernilai 2,2. Untuk melebarkan bandwidth, digunakan teknik pertubasi pada ground plane dan slotted patch. Teknik pencatuan antena menggunakan proximity coupled. Setelah melakukan perancangan, antena direalisasi dan diukur. Hasil pengukuran antena pada penelitian ini menghasilkan polarisasi linier vertical dengan bandwidth 128 MHz, dimana return loss ≤ -14 dB, dan gain yang didapat sebesar 5,2 dBi.
Kata Kunci: ADS-B, antena, mikrostrip, DGS.  
Abstract Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) is an air surveillance system that can track aircraft position, speed, characteristics, weather and other data regularly. The ADS-B system uses the technology of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), where the aircraft will continue to transmit information to earth stations, satellites and other aircraft, so that any movement can be detected. The ADS-B receiver antenna works at a frequency of 1090 MHz with vertical linear polarization, because it is not affected by Faraday's rotation. The characteristics of ADS-B receiving antennas are high gain and and omnidirectional radiation pattern in order to receive signals from all directions. In this study, a microstrip antenna was designed using dielectric material (ðœºð’“) valued at 2,2. To expand bandwidth, the pertubation technique is used in ground plane and slotted patch. The feeding method of the antenna uses proximity coupled. After doing the design, the antenna is realized and measured. The results of antenna measurements in this study produce vertical linear polarization with a bandwidth of 128 MHz, where the return loss is 14 -14 dB, and the gain obtained is 5.2 dBi.
Key word: ADS-B, microstrip antenna, DGS.  






Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi