Analisis Kebutuhan Layanan Wifi Manage Service (wms) Di Pt Telkomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Witel Lembong Bandung Menggunakan Metode Integrasi Service Quality Dan Model Kano
Abstrak PT Telekomunikasi Witel Lembong Bandung merupakan salah satu cabang perusahaan Telkom yang menyediakan layanan produk Wifi id yang ditangani oleh unit Personal Service. Pemasaran yang dilakukan pihak Personal Service terfokus kepada pemasangan Wifi Id Manage Service yang merupakan layanan yang diperuntukkan bagi pemilik usaha atau pemilik tempat usaha yang ingin menambahkan fasilitas layanan wifi di lokasi usahanya. Layanan ini dilatar belakangi oleh besarnya potensi dan perilaku pelanggaran ritel consumer yang berminat utnuk memiliki akses wifi berlanganan di tempat usahanya dengan SSID khusus, sehingga memberikan peluang untuk digarap secara optimal dan bersifat total solution. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi peningkatatan kualitas layanan pada produk Wifi id manage service berdasarkan 15 true customer needs menggunakan metode Service Quality dan Model Kano. Metode service quality terdiri dari 5 tahap yaitu Berwujud (Tangible), Empati (Empathy), Keyakinan (Reliability), Daya Tanggap (Responsiveness), dan Keandalan (Assurance). Metode service quality berfungsi untuk menerjemahkan semua keinginan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan karyawan yang diberikan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas layanan berdasarkan hasil gap. Pada service quality dilakukan beberapa tahap. Yang pertama dengan mengidentifikasi true customer need, melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas pada pengolahan kuesioner, pengolahan data hasil kuesioner untuk dikembangkan serta dipertahankan dan yang terakhir merupakan tahap rekomendasi dan usulan perbaikan yang akan di kembangkan. Kata kunci: Wifi id manage service, Personal Service, Service Quality, Model Kano, True Customer Needs Abstarck PT Telekomunikasi Witel Lembong Bandung is one of the branches of the Telkom company that provides Wifi ID service products handled by the Personal Service unit. Marketing carried out by the Personal Service focused on installing Wifi Id Manage Service which is a service intended for business owners or business owners who want to add wifi service facilities at their business locations. This service is motivated by the large potential and violations of consumer retail behavior who are interested in having access to WiFi at their place of business with a special SSID, thus providing an opportunity to be worked on optimally and a total solution. This study aims to provide recommendations for improving the quality of services on products Wifi ID manage service based on 15 true customer needs using the Service Quality and Kano Models. The service quality method consists of 5 stages namely Tangible, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Reliability (Assurance). The service quality method serves to translate all customer desires towards the employee services provided which aims to determine the quality of services based on the results of the gap. At service quality several stages are carried out. The first by identifying true customer need, testing the validity and reliability of the questionnaire processing, processing the data from the questionnaire to be developed and maintained and the last is the stage of recommendations and proposed improvements that will be developed. Keywords: Wifi ID manage service, Personal Service, Service Quality, Kano Model, True Customer NeedDownloads
Program Studi S1 Teknik Industri