Analisis Dan Solusi Dampak Interferensi Dari Sinyal Lora Pada Komunikasi Seluler Band 8 Dan Usulan Untuk Penggelaran Jaringan Lora Di Indonesia
Abstrak Penelitian ini menganalisis dan memberikan hasil analisis dari dampak interferensi perangkat LoRa terhadap jaringan seluler pada band 8 yang sudah terlebih dahulu digelar dan memiliki izin penggunaan frekuensi yang teregulasi oleh KOMINFO. Penggelaran jaringan LoRa di Indonesia menggunakan frekuensi 902-928 MHz . dilakukan scenario interferensi menggunakan pemodelan Monte Carlo dengan tool Spectrum Engineering Advance Monte Carlo Analysis Tools (SEAMCAT). Bahwa telah dilakukan simulasi interferensi LoRa terhadap sistem LTE, UMTS, dan GSM. Kondisi penggelaran co-channel tidak memungkinkan dilakukan dikarenakan performansi LTE, UMTS dan GSM mengalami penurunan. Kondisi performansi seluler LTE, UMTS dan GSM mengalami peningkatan setelah ditambah guard band antar komunikasi LoRa dengan seluler LTE, UMTS dan GSM. Dari hasil simulasi yang telah dilakukan di usulkan guard band minimum 3 MHz antara komunikasi seluler dengan LoRa untuk yang berdekatan dengan komunikasi uplink seluler maupun downlink seluler, guard band ini diharapkan dapat mencegah terjadinya penurunan performansi komunikasi seluler pada kondisi nyata di lapangan. Kata kunci : IoT, LoRa, Interferensi, legacy technologies, monte carlo analysis Abstract This study analyzes and provides the results of an analysis of the impact of LoRa interference on cellular networks in band 8 which is already above previously it was held and had permission to use frequency regulated by KOMINFO. LoRa network deployment in Indonesia uses the frequency 902- 928 MHz. an interference scenario was performed using Monte Carlo modeling with the Spectrum Engineering Advance Monte Carlo Analysis Tools (SEAMCAT) tool. That the LoRa interference simulation has been carried out on the LTE, UMTS system, and GSM. Co-channel deployment conditions are not possible because LTE, UMTS and GSM performance have decreased. The condition of cellular performance in LTE, UMTS and GSM has increased after being added guard band between LoRa communication with LTE, UMTS and GSM cellular. From the simulation results that have been carried out in the proposed minimum guard band of 3 MHz between cellular communication with LoRa for those close to uplink communication cellular and cellular downlink, guard band is expected to prevent the decline in cellular communication performance in real conditions in the field. Keywords: IoT, LoRa, Interference, legacy technologies, monte carlo analysisDownloads
Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi