Penerapan Metode Tropos Pada Sistem Informasi Penugasan Di Bidang Program Tvri Stasiun Jawa Barat


  • Fadli Ahmad Maulana Telkom University
  • Sri Widowati Telkom University
  • Jati Hiliamsyah Husen Telkom University



Identifikasi kebutuhan sistem merupakan fase penting dalam siklus hidup pengembangan sistem. Kegagalan
dalam mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dapat menyebabkan sistem atau software yang dihasilkan tidak dapat
dimanfaatkan oleh pengguna. Saat ini di TVRI Stasiun Jawa Barat pada bagian divisi program memiliki
beberapa masalah diantaranya saat melakukan penugasan karena masih melakukan dengan manual serta
perekapan bukti tugas sering terjadi kehilangan dan tidak terdata, sehingga menyebabkan pembayaran honor
terlambat. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkannya pengembangan sistem informasi untuk mendapatkan sistem informasi
yang berkualitas. Salah satu metode untuk melakukan rekayasa kebutuhan sistem adalah Goal Oriented
Requirement Engineering (GORE) didalam metode GORE terdapat beberapa metode lainnya salah satunya
metode Tropos. Metode tropos dipilih karena memliki kelebihan dalam suatu fase pengembangan sistem,
terutama pada fase requirements yang meliputi tahapan early requirement dan late requirement. Pada penelitian
ini, metode Tropos digunakan untuk memodelkan kebutuhan sistem informasi penugasan. Pemodelan hanya
dibatasi pada dua fase early requirement dan late requirement. Hasil akhir penelitian berupa pemodelan tropos
berupa goals, softgoal dan actor beserta hasil evaluasi menggunakan tehnik prototyping dan kuisioner dengan
metode perhitungan skala likert. Hasil dari validasi menunjukan hasil akurasi sebanyak 79,1%, hasil tersebut
dapat diterapkan dalam studi kasus yang diambil yaitu sistem informasi penugasan di bagian program TVRI
Jawa Barat.

Kata Kunci :requirements, tropos, goal oriented requirement engineering

Identifying system requirements is an important phase in the system development life cycle. Failure to identify
needs can cause the system or software produced to not be utilized by the user. At present in the West Java TVRI
Station in the division division the program has a number of problems including when assigning assignments
because they are still carrying out manuals and the recording of proof of assignments often occurs loss and not
recorded, causing payment of late fees. Therefore, the need for information system development to obtain a
quality information system. One method for engineering system requirements is the Goal Oriented Requirement
Engineering (GORE) in the GORE method, there are several other methods, one of which is the Tropos method.
The tropos method is chosen because it has advantages in a phase of system development, especially in the phase
of requirements that include the stages of the early requirements and late requirements. In this study, the Tropos
method was used to model the information system needs of the assignment. Modeling is only limited to two
early phases of requirements and late requirements. The final results of the research in the form of tropos
modeling in the form of goals, soft-skills and actors along with the evaluation results using prototyping
techniques and questionnaires with the Likert scale calculation method. The results of the validation show that
the results of 79.1% accuracy can be applied in the case studies taken, namely the assignment information
system in the West Java TVRI program.
Kata Kunci: requirements, tropos, goal oriented requirement engineering






Program Studi S1 Informatika