Communications Strategy In Anticipating Deception Practice Of Online Shop


  • I Gusti Agung Alit Suryawati Communications Science Department of FISIP, Udayana University


Communications and Information technology these days for example expressed by growth of shop online. Through cybercommunity, activity of advertisement, goods sales transaction and service of online, including accomodation services, travel services, product of fashions, electronics are increasing. This handing out study some case deception of shop online which harming consumer, factors of background, and also do needed to communications strategy step to protect consumer. This Scientific represent in perpective study qualitative communications study. Data obtained to bibliography study, circumstantial interview and observation by 12 informans in Town of Denpasar which related to deception of shop online. All data to be analysed by deskriptifintepretatif. Result of showing study, fastest activity of shop online have been felt by positive benefit of consumer society because accomplishment of requirement of goods and service can serve more effective and is efficient. But, often still showed deception practice of shop online which harming consumer. From other side factor lack of carefulness and understanding consumer rights, attend " naughty shop online provider". The weakness consumerism policy socialization also become dominant factor. There fore, development of communications strategy to increase awareness of consumer right will require to be sociallised. Keyword: shop online, communications strategy, consumer right.





