Waste Management Literacy Event in Indonesia: Study Case in Bandung


  • Siswantini Siswantini Faculty Member of Marketing Communication Dept. Bina Nusantara Universit
  • Gayes Mahestu Deputy Head of Marketing Communication Dept. Bina Nusantara University


Bandung, faces catastrophic problem of waste management, although the city has already series of waste reduction regulation, however in practice is stiff to implement. Sums of research in waste management focuses to technology choices and community participation, and only limited number of waste management research referred to literacy. In the other hand, the research of literacy event frequently focusses to education activities in school, only a few number denoted to social practice such as waste reduction. These paper aims to analyze the waste management literacy event in Bandung, Indonesia, which piloted by Forum Bandung Juara Bebas Sampah (Forum BJBS). The event represent by the activity in deliberate the waste management regulation due to the institution form in Bandung Municipality. Key words: critical discourse, waste management, literacy event





