The influence of Non-physical working environment to performance of Business Account Manager of Telkom Regional 1 Sumatera


  • Ledy Caroline


Business Service Division of Telkom Regional 1 Sumatera is formed by carrying the main function as to manage Corporate Customer. There is a phenomenon that Business Account Manager is chanced to get threat of punishment from other party, and it gives them the feeling of insecurity in doing their job. For that reason, it is important to conduct a research related to the influence of non-physical working environment to performance of Business Account Manager of Telkom Regional 1 Sumatera. The object of this study is Business Account Manager in Business Service Division Telkom Regional 1 Sumatera. This research is conducted to find out and analyze the influence of non-physical working environment to performance of Business Account Manager in Business Service Division (further it is named: BAM DBS) Telkom Regional 1 Sumatera. Independent variables that are analyzed are employee’s feeling of security, loyalty, and satisfaction, while the dependent variable is working performance. The type of research is causality that discusses the relation of cause and effect between independents and dependent variables. While data analysis that are used are descriptive and path analysis. Population of the research object is BAM DBS Telkom Regional 1 Sumatera that consists of 32 people in June 2015. After a census is done to those 32 respondents, data shows that employees’ feeling of security and loyalty that are part of non-physical working environment dimension is significantly influence performance. While employees’ satisfaction variable that is also part of non-physical working environment dimension is not significantly influence performance of BAM DBS Telkom Regional 1 Sumatera. Simultaneously, non-physical working environment significantly influences the performance. Keywords. non-physical working environment; loyalty; satisfaction; performance.





