Pengaruh Service Quality Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Pada Operator Seluler Telkomsel Di Indonesia


  • Gerry Syahdhan Telkom University
  • Indira Rachmawati Telkom University


Abstrak Zaman modern ini perkembangan bisnis telekomunikasi di Indonesia mengalami kemajuan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kemajuan teknologi komunikasi yang semakin canggih dan memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dalam berkomunikasi sehingga hal ini memberi peluang terhadap pelaku bisnis telekomukasi untuk mengembangkan berbagai bisnis telekomunikasi di Indonesia, ditengah maraknya persaingan industri telekomunikasi, Telkomsel sebagai pemegang pangsa pasar terbesar di Indonesia menjaga kualitas layanannya (service quality) agar mampu bersaing dengan para pelaku bisnis telekomunikasi lainnya. Penelitian ini mengukur kepuasan pelanggan (customer satisfaction) pada Telkomsel dengan melihat dimensi service quality yang terdiri dari 7 variabel yaitu assurance, complaint handling, convenience, emphaty, network quality, reliability dan tangibles. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, sifat penelitian ini adalah konklusif, tipe penyelidikannya adalah kausal, keterlibatan peneliti adalah tidak mengintervensi data, berdasarkan unit analisis bersifat individual, setting penelitian adalah non contrived setting, dan berdasarkan waktu penelitian, penelitian ini bersifat cross sectional. Skala pengukuran yang digunakan adalah skala likert. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pengguna Telkomsel di Indonesia dengan jumlah sampel yang mewakili sebanyak 400 responden. Teknik samplingnya adalah non probability sampling dan quota sampling. Sumber data pada penelitian ini didapat dari data primer dan sekunder. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik multivariat, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS), serta melakukan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat dua hipotesis diterima dan enam hipotesis ditolak dari total delapan hipotesis. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Telekomunikasi Abstract In this modern era, the development of the telecommunications business in Indonesia has progressed. This can be seen from the progress of communication technology that is increasingly sophisticated and meets the needs of the people in communication so that this provides an opportunity for telecommerce business people to develop various telecommunications businesses in Indonesia, amid the competition of the telecommunications industry, Telkomsel as the largest market share holder in Indonesia maintaining quality service in order to be able to compete with other telecommunications business people. This research measures customer satisfaction on Telkomsel by looking at the service quality dimension which consists of 7 variables, namely assurance, complaint handling, convenience, empathy, network quality, reliability and tangibles. This study uses quantitative methods, the nature of this study is conclusive, the type of investigation is causal, the involvement of researchers is not to intervene data, based on individual units of analysis, research settings are non contrived settings, and based on research time, this study is cross sectional. The measurement scale used is the Likert scale. The population in this study were Telkomsel users in Indonesia with a sample representing as many as 400 respondents. The sampling technique is non probability sampling and quota sampling. Data sources in this study were obtained from primary and secondary data. Data analysis techniques were carried out by multivariate techniques, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS), and hypothesis testing. The results of this study are two hypotheses accepted and six hypotheses rejected from a total of eight hypotheses. Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Telecommunications






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)