Pengaruh Electronic Word Of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Melalui Warung Kopi Purnama


  • Ilyas Rizqi Fauzan Telkom University
  • Kharisma Nasionalita Telkom University


Abstrak Pertumbuhan internet di Indonesia samakin meningkat setiap tahunnya, hal ini sejalan dengan meningkatnya informasi-informasi yang diberikan melalui internet maupun sosial media. Warung kopi purnama merupakan salah satu café yang sudah memiliki usia yang cukup lama, yaitu sejak 1930. Eksistensinya didunia kuliner mampu meraih beberapa penghargaan. Sejak dunia kuliner sudah menggunakan pemasaran melalui media internet, warung kopi purnama masih terus bertahan hingga saat ini. Melalui google ulasan komunikasi dan interaksi antar konsumen terjalin di dalamnya, dan dapat disebut word of mouth. Namun jika word of mouth terjalin melalui media elektronik, dapat disebut electronic word of mouth. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh electronic word of mouth terhadap keputusan pembelian melalui warung kopi purnama. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linear sederhana. Dalam penelitian ini data primer diperoleh dengan menyebar kuisioner kepada 100 responden konsumen kopi dan pernah datang ke warung kopi purnama. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tanggapan responden terhadap variabel electronic word of mouth 67% dan 70,1% Terhadap variabel keputusan pembelian, dari perhitungan koefisien determinasi didapatkan hasil sebesar 55,2% sebagai pengaruh electronic word of mouth terhadap keputusan pembelian. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa electronic word of mouth memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian kopi melalui warung kopi purnama. Kata kunci: word of mouth, Electronic word of mouth, keputusan pembelian.
Abstract Internet growth in Indonesia is increasing every year, this is in line with the increasing information provided through the internet and social media. Warung kopi purnama is one of the cafés that has had a long enough age, that is, since 1930. Its existence in the culinary world is able to win several awards. Since the culinary world has been using internet marketing, warung kopi purnama still continue to this day. Through Google, communication and interaction between consumers are interwoven in it, and can be called word of mouth. But if word of mouth is intertwined through electronic media, it can be called electronic word of mouth. This study aims to see how much influence electronic word of mouth has on purchasing decisions through warung kopi purnama. This study uses quantitative research using descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis. In this study the primary data was obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 consumer respondents who had come to the warung kopi purnama. The results of the study showed that respondents' responses to electronic word of mouth variables were 67% and 70.1%. Against purchasing decision variables, the calculation of the determination coefficient was 55.2% as an effect of electronic word of mouth on purchasing decisions. It can be concluded that electronic
ISSN : 2355-9357 e-Proceeding of Management : Vol.6, No.2 Agustus 2019 | Page 5039


word of mouth has a significant influence on purchasing decisions through warung kopi purnama.Keywords: word of mouth, Electronic word of mouth, buying decision






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi