Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Infrastructure Framework, Delivery Dependability, Dan Time To Market Terhadap Manufacturing Firm Performance Melalui Supply Chain Agility
Abstrak Diantara persaingan yang makin ketat industri makanan dan minuman ada salah satu sektor yang mampu berkontribusi besar bagi perekonomian nasional. Khususnya di sektor minuman. Menurut Mentri Peridustrian Indonesia Airlangga Hartato kenaikan PDB khususnya di sektor minuman beranjak menaik hingga mencapai 9,28% di tahun 2017 dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya yang hanya 8,46%. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah 5 kedai Coffee Shop yang berada di Kecamatan Bandung Kidul dan Lengkong Kota Bandung, dari beberapa kedai Coffee Shop yang ikut meramaikan bisnis dalam lingkup kopi, peneliti mengambil 5 sample kedai Coffee Shop yang masih bimbang untuk menentukan jenis biji kopi mana yang akan digunakan dalam jangka waktu panjang untuk menghasilkan kualitas produk yang baik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk konklusif penelitian. Waktu penelitian dilakukan secara cross-section tanpa mengintervensi data, serta menggunakan metode explanatory yang mengungkapkan hubungan suatu variabel dengan variabel lain dalam suatu penelitian dan teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampling purposive. Dari hasil penelitian ini hubungan variabel Delivery Dependability terhadap Supply Chain Agility, Infrastructure Framework terhadap Delivery Dependability, Infrastructure Framework terhadap Time to Market, dan Supply Chain Agility terhadap Manufacturing Firm Performance memiliki hubungan yang signifikan positif, sedangkan untuk variabel Infrastructure Framework terhadap Manufacturing Firm Performance, Infrastructure Framework terhadap Supply Chain Agility, Time to Market terhadap Supply Chain Agility, hubungan moderate antara Time to Market, Infrastructure Framework, dan Delivery Dependability terhadap Manufacturing Firm Performance yang melalui Supply Chain Agility memiliki hubungan yang kurang signifikan. Kata kunci: Coffee Shop, Infrastructure Framework, Delivery Dependability, Time to Market, Supply Chain Agility, Manufacturing Firm Performance. Abstract Among the increasingly fierce competition for the food and beverage industry there is one sector that is able to contribute greatly to the national economy. Especially in the beverage sector. According to the Indonesian Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartato the increase in GDP, especially in the beverage sector, went up to reach 9.28% in 2017 compared to the previous year which was only 8.46%. The objects in this study were 5 Coffee Shop outlets in the District Bandung Kidul and Lengkong of Bandung City, from several Coffee Shop shops that participated in enlivening business in the scope of coffee, researchers took 5 samples of Coffee Shop shops that were still undecided to determine which types of coffee beans would be used in a long period of time to produce good quality products. This type of research is quantitative research that aims to conclusive research. When the study was conducted in a cross-section without intervening data, and using explanatory methods that reveal the relationship of a variable with other variables in a study and the sampling technique used is purposive sampling. From the results of this study the line of Delivery Dependability variables to Supply Chain Agility, Infrastructure Framework to Delivery Dependability, Infrastructure Framework to Time to Market, and Supply Chain Agility to Manufacturing Firm Performance has a significant positive relationship, while for Infrastructure Framework variables to Manufacturing Firm Performance, Infrastructure Framework to Supply Chain Agility, Time to Market to Supply Chain Agility, moderate relationship between Time to Market, Infrastructure Framework, and Delivery Dependability to Manufacturing Firm Performance through Supply Chain Agility has a less significant relationship.. ISSN : 2355-9357 e-Proceeding of Management : Vol.7, No.2 Agustus 2020 | Page 2086 Keywords: Coffee Shop, Infrastructure Framework, Delivery Dependability, Time to Market, Supply Chain Agility, Manufacturing Firm Performance.Downloads
Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)