Pengaruh Green Supply Chain Management Terhadap Kinerja Lingkungan Organisasi (studi Kasus The Body Shop Di Kota Bandung)


  • Saskia Andini Nugraha Telkom University
  • Ratih Hendayani Telkom University


Abstrak Banyak produk kecantikan dan produk perawatan tubuh yang tersedia di pasaran membuat para konsumen memiliki banyak pilihan produk kecantikan di Indonesia. Untuk mengembangkan inovasi produknya perusahaan saat ini sedang melakukan inovasi mengenai Green Supply Chain Management, hal ini dikarenakan masalah lingkungan hidup merupakan gejala dari sikap pembangunan yang kurang menyadari pentingnya pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Peneliti memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui internal green supply chain management, environmental monitoring of suppliers, environmental collaborations with customers terhadap environmental performance. Berdasarkan waktu pelaksanaan penelitian ini menggunakan data cross section. Penelitian ini memiliki populasi yaitu seluruh pegawai The Body Shop yang ada di kota Bandung. Penelitian dilakukan di store The Body Shop Bandung kepada pegawai The Body Shop Bandung dengan menyebarkan kuisioner berupa pertanyaan yang mewakili indikator-indikator yang telah dibuat oleh peneliti terdahulu untuk melakukan penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini secara simultan Internal Green Supply Chain Management, Environmental Monitoring of Suppliers, Environmental Collaborations with Customers berpengaruh terhadap Environmental Performance. Secara parsial Internal Green Supply Chain Management tidak berpengaruh terhadap Environmental Performance. Namun, Environmental Monitoring of Suppliers dan Environmental Collaborations with Customers memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan memberikan kontribusi terhadap Environmental Performance pada perusahaan The Body Shop di Kota Bandung, maka perusahaan The Body Shop di Kota Bandung harus terus menjaga agar Environmental Monitoring of Suppliers dan Environmental Collaborations with Customers terus meningkat. Kata Kunci : internal green supply chain management, environmental monitoring of suppliers, environmental collaborations with customers dan environmental performance Abstract Many beauty products and body care products available on the market make consumers have a large selection of beauty products in Indonesia. To develop its product innovation the company is currently innovating about Green Supply Chain Management, this is because environmental problems are a symptom of development attitudes that are less aware of the importance of environmental preservation. Researchers have the objective to find out internal green supply chain management, environmental monitoring of suppliers, environmental collaboration with customers on environmental performance. Based on the time of the implementation of this study using cross section data. This study has a population that is all employees of The Body Shop in the city of Bandung. The study was conducted at The Body Shop Bandung store to The Body Shop Bandung employees by distributing questionnaires in the form of questions representing indicators that had been made by previous researchers to conduct research. The results of this study simultaneously the Internal Green Supply Chain Management, Environmental Monitoring of Suppliers, Environmental Collaborations with Customers influence on Environmental Performance. Partially Internal Green Supply Chain Management has no effect on Environmental Performance. However, the Environmental Monitoring of Suppliers and Environmental Collaborations with Customers have a positive and significant impact on contributing to Environmental Performance at The Body Shop company in Bandung, so The Body Shop company in Bandung City must continue to maintain that the Environmental Monitoring of Suppliers and Environmental Collaborations with Customers continue to increase. Keyword : Internal Green Supply Chain Management, Environmental Monitoring of Suppliers, Environmental Collaborations with Customers and Environmental Performance.






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)