
  • Putri Rizka Mahira Telkom University
  • Marheni Eka Saputri Telkom University


IKEA takes a "Democratic Design" approach. where form, function, quality, sustainability and affordable prices are all integrated into the product, and are friendly to everyone, even children. And also IKEA introduces a concept called DoIt-Yourself (DIY) to Indonesian customers, customers have to take it, take it home and assemble it themselves, this is also included in cost savings, IKEA provides a service not to self-assemble at additional costs ( id, 2014). This makes IKEA a unique furniture retail company. The experience that consumers feel when visiting a retail store is considered by today's consumers in choosing. So that customer experience needs to be the attention of managers in satisfying their customers so they can win the competition. IKEA creates a retail atmosphere that can be enjoyed by its customers, ranging from parking lots to interior design in its own building. IKEA customers can enjoy their shopping time without hurry because they are served by a unique and attractive building design. researchers conducted data searches on consumer complaints about Customer Satisfaction at IKEA Alam Sutera by digging information through consumer media websites where Indonesians can exchange complaints about their experience shopping at a company. The research purpose of this study are as follows find out and analyze the influence of customer experience consisting of Sensory experience, emotional experience, and social experience together to customer satisfaction at IKEA Alam Sutera. In maintaining consumers need to pay attention to customer satisfaction. Customer experience has become a major concern in contemporary service research and management practices. The object of this research is IKEA consumers. Data collection was obtained through distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. Data analysis in this study uses simple linear regression analysis. The results of the study stated that there was a significant effect of Customer Experience on Customer Satisfaction at IKEA Alam Sutera that was 32.1%. Based on an analysis of respondents' responses to the Customer experience, the second item regarding obtaining the lowest rating. Therefore, it is recommended to IKEA Alam Sutera to improve the quality of the place so that it can attract the attention of customers.

Keywords: Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction, IKEA






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis