Pengaruh Personal Selling Terhadap Minat Beli Pada Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Telkom


  • Della Sugesti Pujangga Telkom University
  • Trisha Gilang Saraswati Telkom University


Abstrak Persaingan yang terjadi antara beberapa perguruan tinggi di Indonesia membuat perguruan tinggi mulai sadar akan pentingnya menentukan strategi manajemen pemasaran yang tepat untuk menyaring lebih banyak pendaftar sehingga diperoleh standar kualifikasi mahasiswa yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana pelaksanaan personal selling terhadap konsumen, bagaimana minat beli konsumen serta besarnya pengaruh personal selling secara simultan dan parsial terhadap minat beli pada Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Telkom. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis data regresi linear berganda. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode non-probability sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 100 orang dan merupakan pendaftar pada Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Telkom yang pernah mengikuti pameran dan roadshow mulai dari tahun 2017 sampai 2019. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif, nilai persentase skor pada tiap dimensi variabel personal selling adalah prospecting and qualifying (X1) 84,125%, preapproach (X2) 83,75%, approach (X3) 89,59%, presentation and demonstration (X4) 85,33%, handling objection (X5) 82,5%, closing (X6) 89,375%, follow up (X7) 85,583% dan pada variabel minat beli adalah sebesar 83,86% dan termasuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil uji F, personal selling berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap minat beli pada Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Telkom dengan F hitung > F tabel (16,775 > 3,94). Berdasarkan hasil uji t, dimensi prospecting and qualifying (X1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli pada Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Telkom. Berdasarkan koefisien determinasi diperoleh hasil bahwa personal selling mampu menjelaskan minat beli sebesar 42,5% dan sisanya sebesar 57,5% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kesimpulan penelitian ini, tingkat personal selling dan minat beli pada Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Telkom berada dalam kategori baik, namun ada beberapa indikator yang perlu diperbaiki seperti kelengkapan informasi yang tercantum pada brosur, kemampuan memahami dan menyelesaikan keluhan konsumen serta aktivitas promosi di beberapa media informasi seperti platform online yang lebih intens. Kata kunci: Personal selling, minat beli. prospecting and qualifying Abstract The competition that occurs between several universities in Indonesia makes universities aware of determining the right marketing management strategy to screen more applicants so that better student qualification standards can be obtained. This study aims to determine and analyze how the implementation of personal selling to customers, how customer buying interest and the magnitude of the influence of personal selling simultaneously and partially on buying interest in Telkom University New Student Selection. This study uses quantitative methods with multiple linear regression data analysis techniques. Sampling was carried out by non-probability sampling method with a total of 100 respondents. Respondents in this study were registrants at the Telkom University New Student Selection who had participated in exhibitions and roadshows from 2017 to 2019. Based on the results of descriptive analysis, the value of the percentage score on each dimension of personal selling variables is prospecting and qualifying (X1) 84.125%, preapproach (X2) 83.75%, approach (X3) 89.59%, presentation and demonstration (X4) 85, 33%, handling objection (X5) 82.5%, closing (X6) 89.375%, follow-up (X7) 85.583% and the purchase interest variable was 83.86% and included in the very high category. Based on the result of simultaneous hypothesis testing, personal selling significantly influence purchase intention at Telkom University Seleksi Mhahasiswa Baru. This is proofed by the F-count > F-table (16,775 > 3,94) with a significant level of 0,000 < 0,05. Based on the partial hypothesis test, the result showed that prospecting and qualifying (X1) dimensions significantly influenced purchase intention at Telkom University Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru. The result of coefficient of determination showed that personal selling was able to explain 42,5% purchase intention and the remaining 57,5% was influenced by the other factors that not examined in this research. The conclusion of this study, personal selling and purchase intention at Telkom University Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru is categorized as “goodâ€, but there are several aspects that need to be improved such as completeness of the information contained in the brochure, the ability to understand and resolve customer complaints and promotional activities in the other media such as online platforms. Keywords: Personal selling, purchase intention, prospecting and qualifying






Program Studi S1 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis