Pengaruh E- Trust Dan Kualitas Website Terhadap E-purchase Intention


  • Prastha Azhari Mahadhika Telkom University
  • Dinda Amanda Zuliestiana Telkom University


ABSTRAK Hampir semua perusahaan bisnis sekarang mempunyai websites, yang pada waktu lima tahun yang lalu dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang tidak memungkin dilaksanakan. Saat ini, apapun yang akan dilakukan perusahaan, lembaga, organisasi maupun individu untuk menyampaikan informasi, melakukan negosiasi maupun kesepakatan bisnis, dapat melalui internet. Melalui ecommerce, memungkinkan kita dengan sedikit usaha memperoleh apa saja yang kita butuhkan. Perilaku niat pelanggan (behavioral intention) terhadap produk dan jasa merupakan hasil dari proses kepuasan yang dirasakan pelanggan terhadap produk dan jasa yang telah diberikan oleh penyedia marketplace Penelitian berjudul Pengaruh E- trust dan dimensi kualitas website Terhadap E-purchase intention di Situs OLX. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tanggapan responden mengenai Etrust, tanggapan responden mengenai dimensi kualitas website, tanggapan responden mengenai epurchase intention, mengetahui apakah E- trust berpengaruh terhadap e-purchase intention dan mengetahui dimensi kualitas website berpengaruh terhadap e-purchase intention di situs OLX. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu explanatory research dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa E- trust pada Situs OLX telah dilaksanakan dengan baik dan memenuhi unsur-unsur teori E- trust. Kualitas website pada Situs OLX di lingkungan mahasiswa Telkom dapat dikatakan cukup baik. purchase intention Situs OLX dinilai baik. Etrust secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap e-purchase intention pada situs OLX. Variabel kualitas website secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap e-purchase intention pada situs OLX Kata kunci: Online review, kualitas website, E-purchase intention ABSTRACT Almost all business companies today have websites, which only five years ago were considered impossible to implement. Currently, whatever companies, institutions, organizations or individuals will do to convey information, conduct negotiations or business agreements, can be via the internet. Through e-commerce, it allows us with minimal effort to get what we need The behavior of customer intentions (behavioral intention) for products and services is the result of the satisfaction process that customers feel about products and services that have been provided by marketplace providers. The study entitled Effect of e-trust and dimensions of website quality on E-purchase intention on the OLX Site. The research objective was to find out the responses of respondents regarding e-trust, respondents 'responses regarding the dimensions of website quality, respondents' responses to e-purchase intention, knowing whether e-trust had an effect on e purchase intention and knowing the dimensions of website quality affecting e-purchase intention on OLX sites. The research method used is explanatory research with data collection techniques through questionnaires. The results of the study indicate that e-trust on LX Sites have been well implemented and fulfill the elements of e-trust theory. The quality of websites on OLX Sites in Telkom University students can be said to be quite good. OLX Site's purchase intention is considered good. E-trust partially has a significant effect on e purchase intention on OLX sites. Website quality variables partially have a significant effect on e purchase intention on OLX sites. Keywords: e-trust, dimensions of website quality, E-purchase intention






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)